What is a Patient Participation Group?
The purpose of the Group is to develop closer links between the doctors and
the patients. We tell the doctors what we think about the services they and
the nurses provide. We help with specific projects, such as designing an
annual survey of patients’ views.
Could I be part of it?
Please tell us if you are interested in taking part. We want the group to represent young and old, people with chronic illnesses, people whose first language is not English.
What would taking part mean for me?
You can attend our meetings, normally every 3 months, at the surgery at 5:15 pm on a weekday. Or you can join our Facebook & email group. We will then email you specific questions, a few times a year.
We also use email to share information between group members. So having an email address is helpful. But if you haven’t got one, you are still most welcome to be part of the meeting Group.
How do I join?
Leave your details at reception or fill out our secure online form
I’d like to find out more about it first
Please ask at reception to speak to the practice manager.
What if I have something to say, but I don’t want to be part of the Group?
Please write in the suggestions book. Or fill in a Friends and Family form.
It’s particularly helpful if you explain why you would recommend St Clements to your friends and family (or not!)
The PPG aims to encourage and enable greater patient involvement in the design, planning and provision of health services. It looks at developing and considering proposals for changes in the way these services are delivered. As well as decisions to be made by the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG).
For more information, please click here
Join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/stclementsppg
Patient Participation Group Terms of Reference
The name of the group shall be St Clements Patient Participation Group
The objectives of the group shall be to promote the benefit of the patients of the Practice without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions or characteristics of individuals by encouraging development and quality of health promotion and health care services; to achieve this aim by liaising with the doctors and staff, other community health workers, Health Authorities and other persons or organisations concerned with health care.
The group shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion. The group shall have power to affiliate to the National Association of Patient Participation Groups and to other organisations with similar charitable objects. The Group shall at all times respect diversity and will be committed to the principles contained within the Equality Act.
This shall be open to any patient of the Practice. Any patient may express an interest in joining to the Practice Manager, who will invite them to the next PPG meeting. Removal of a patient from the practice list, for whatever reason, will disqualify continuing membership of the group.
Meetings, attendance and officers
The Group shall meet 4 times a year. The Group shall invite a partner and the practice manager to attend meetings. The Group may invite other persons to attend. The Group shall elect a Chairperson and a Secretary.
The Chairperson shall aim to reach decisions by consensus. If however a formal vote is needed, it shall be decided by a simple majority of the members present. In case of equality of votes the chairperson shall have a second or casting vote. In the unlikely event that an urgent decision is required and no meeting is imminent, the Chairperson shall decide, after consulting as many members as practicable, and shall report the decision to the next meeting.
The Secretary shall keep minutes. The minutes shall be available at the practice and on the practice’s website.
Alterations to these terms of reference
Any proposal to alter these terms of reference shall be circulated at least 14 days before the date of the meeting at which it is to be considered, and shall be decided in accordance with paragraph 5 above.
Healthwatch Oxfordshire
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