
Everyone has a right to be safe regardless of who they are or their circumstance. As individuals, we all have a responsibility to safeguard adults and children, to act on concerns, and seek support if needed.
As a practice, we strongly adhere to these principles and offer safe, timely, appropriate, and holistic health care to all those in need, including vulnerable adults and children at risk of abuse or neglect.

All our staff is trained in safeguarding and we have practice policies, overseen by our named safeguarding leads for adults and children. We work closely with various statutory bodies to seek support for our patients in any safeguarding matters.

If you have concerns about abuse of an ADULT you can discuss this with staff at The Old School Surgery (0117 965 3102) or report this directly to:

Care Direct:
phone: 0117 922 2700
txt/sms: 0117 903 6689

South Gloucestershire Safeguarding for adults:
phone: 01454 868 007
Outside office hours phone: 0145 461 5165

If you have concerns about abuse of a CHILD you can discuss this with staff at The Old School Surgery (0117 965 3102) or report this directly to:

First Response Team on 0117 903 6444
Outside office hours (Emergency Duty Team) on 0145 461 5165

South Gloucestershire Safeguarding for children –
phone: 0145 486 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-4.30pm),
Out of hours and weekends – 0145 461 5165

Early Help Teams – North: 0117 903 8700, South: 0117 903 7770, East/Central: 0117 903 6743     

If the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999.

Other numbers you can call:
  • NSPCC 24hr helpline: 0808 800 5000 (free from landline)
  • NSPCC Text helpline: 88858 (service is free and anonymous)
  • Police: 101 (non-emergency calls)

NHS England Safeguarding app

The NHS Safeguarding app has been developed to act as a comprehensive resource for healthcare professionals, carers and citizens. It provides 24-hour, mobile access on up to date legislation and guidance across the safeguarding life course.

The app also provides information on how to report a safeguarding concern and even has a directory of safeguarding contacts for every local authority in England, searchable by region.

It can be downloaded here for iOS and Android or it can be downloaded by visiting your device’s appropriate app store and searching for ‘NHS Safeguarding’.

Additional resources:

Children’s Social Work Units: contact numbers for all 27 units across the city can be found at:

BSCB website:

Bristol Threshold Guidance:

Bristol Single Assessment Framework Guidance:

Escalation Policy:

South West Child Protection Procedures:

More information about child safeguarding here:
Children’s services leaflet.pdf

More information about safeguarding, in general, is here: