As part of our GP contract it is a requirement for us to have a Patient Participation Group (PPG). The role of the PPG is to make a positive difference without taking a heap of your time and includes:
- Being a friend to the practice.
- Advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services.
- Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health.
- Carrying out research into the views of those patients who use the practice.
- Regular communication with the practice population.
We are strongly committed to developing this group and wish to engage a wide cross section of the practice population in a way that most benefits both the patients and the practice here at Westfield.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the group please leave you details at reception.
This is a really wonderful opportunity to make a difference for you, your family and friends and I warmly invite you to put your name forward and take part.
Many thanks,
Dr Sally Emsley
Senior Partner