NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM – Wednesday 13th March 2024

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A new telephone system is due to installed on Wednesday 13th March 2024.

Our telephone number will not change.

Continue to use 01736 710505 as usual.

There will be a new menu to choose from, to direct your call to the right department or team, so please listen carefully to all the options before making your selection; the numbers are likely to be different.

You will notice some improvements in the queuing system, including a ring-back function if our lines are busy.

The new system will have increased functions in linking calls automatically to patient records in our computer system, which will aid communication and increase efficiency.

We hope to keep disruption to service as minimal as possible, but this is a big change for us to manage and we hope you will bear with us.

We will be providing a full explanation of the new system on our website in due course:

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Mrs K Burge, Practice Manager, Marazion Surgery


Option 1 – Patient advisers/Reception 

Option 2 – Test Results (see opening hours)

Option 3 – Dispensary (see opening hours)

The telephone system update has gone smoothly and the new facilities, including the call-back function for when we are busy, has resulted in some really positive patient feedback.