
Referrals to Secondary Care

When a doctor or nurse decides to refer a patient to a hospital consultant or other clinician, they will dictate a letter or complete the appropriate form and give it to the secretary.

The referral will be processed using a system called ‘Electronic Referral System’.  This enables the patient to choose which hospital/provider they would like to be seen at.  The patient will be contacted by telephone by the Kernow Health Referral Management Service, who will help them choose where to be seen and arrange the appointment.  

If you wish to chase a referral or enquire about waiting lists for out-patient treatment, investigations or operations please contact them direct as this is outside of our control.  Contact details for consultants secretaries are often on hospital correspondence, or use the numbers listed below.

For help with transport please contact TAPS on 01872 223388 or the ambulance service on 01872 252211.

To speak to the secretary at Marazion Surgery please select option five; the line is open from 1100-1300hrs Monday to Friday.

Referral Management Service: 01872 226700

Suspected Cancer (2 week wait) Referrals Office, Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske: 01872 252323

Radiology Appointments (X-ray, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Bone Mineral Density): 01872 252290

Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske Trust Booking Offices (to chase Outpatient appointments):

01872 253747

Aural Care:
01872 254901

Cardiology, Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic, Rapid Access Heart Function Service:
01872 252018

Chronic Fatigue/ME Service:
01872 252935

01872 252272

01736 758892

01752 439936

01872 252885

01872 487300

01736 874115

Pain Clinic:
01872 252160

Physiotherapy and Pelvic Floor/Women’s Health Physiotherapy:
01735 758846

Oral Surgery and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat):
01872 252832

Paediatrics and Gynaecology:
01736 874130

Neurology, Neurophysiology, Endocrinology, Endocrinology Obesity Service, Lipid Clinic:
01872 252777

Dermatology, Rheumatology, and Paediatric Dermatology:
01872 252207

General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Urology, Bariatric Surgery, ENT, Vascular Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery:
01872 253409

Gastroenterology, Hepatology, FibroScan, Renal, Respiratory, Sleep Clinic:
01872 253300

Endoscopy (Gastroscopy- OGD, Colonoscopy, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy):
01872 252923

Radiology Appointments (X-ray, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Bone Mineral Density):
01872 252290

Radiology Secretaries:
01872 252285

Ultrasound – Korus Health (Peninsula):
01872 555755

Other Departments:

Adult ADHD Service, The Clays Practice (NHS):
01726 891586

Autism- Cornwall Autism Assessment Team (Adult):
01208 871908

ADHD/Autism (Child): Neurodevelopmental Assessment Team:
01872 246945

Bladder and Bowel Specialist Service/Continence Nurse:
01726 873095

Patient Blood Management Service (blood transfusion/iron infusion):
01872 252979

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS):
01209 881600/ Early Help Hub, Truro (option 2) 01872 322277

Community Mental Health Team, Bolitho:
01735 571000

Community Specialist Palliative Care Team:
01872 246938/26939

Cornwall Diabetic Eye Screening Programme:
01872 254674

Counsellor- NHS Talking Therapies:
01208 871905

Community Rehab Team (Community- Home Visit- Physiotherapy/OT):
01736 755756

DVT/Thrombosis Clinic:
01872 253597

Early Help Hub:
01872 322277

Early Intervention in Psychosis Team:
01209 204003

Epilepsy Nurse:
01872 253088

Eye Casualty:
01872 253729/253788

Fertility Clinic: 
01872 253044

Fracture Clinic:
01872 253169/253170/252304

Gastrostomy Nurse:
01209 318060

01872 246838

Probus Surgical Centre:
01726 885104

Lymphoedema Nurse:
01872 252885

Mermaid Centre (Breast): 
01872 252880

MS Specialist Nurse:
01872 253063

Musculoskeletal Interface Service:
01209 318095

Musculoskeletal Spinal Interface Service:
01209 318099

Perinatal Mental Health Service:
01872 221031

Parkinson’s Nurse:
01209 318048

Pulmonary Rehab: West Community Respiratory Team/Nurses: 
01326 435942

Rheumatology Department/Secretaries:
01872 252202

Respiratory- West Community Respiratory Team/Nurses: 
01326 435942

Semen Analysis- Haematology Laboratory:
01872 252507

Speech and Language Therapy:
Adult- 01736 571106  Child- 01872 221400

Stoma Nurse:
01872 252700

Stoke Nurse:
01209 318120/318118

TIA Clinic:
01209 318120

Tissue Viability:
01726 627595

Vascular Studies:
01872 255184

We Are With You (Drug and Alcohol Counsellors):
01736 365467

Wheelchair Service:

Short-term loan: Tremorvah Industries: 
01872 324340

Permanent: Rosscare: 

Hospital Main Switchboards:

Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske:
01872 250000

West Cornwall Hospital Penzance:
01736 874000

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital (Barncoose):
01209 318000

St. Michael’s Hospital, Hayle:
01736 758854

St. Julia’s Hospice:
01736 759070

Duchy Hospital:
01872 226100