FLU VACCINATIONS – Are you eligible?

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For most people, flu is unpleasant but not serious. You will usually recover within a week.

However, certain people are at greater risk of developing serious complications of flu, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. These conditions may require hospital treatment.

The flu vaccine is offered free to people who are at risk, to protect them from catching flu and developing serious complications. Call the surgery to book an appointment

At-risk groups

It is recommended that you have a flu jab if you fall into one or more of the following categories:

If you are the parent of a child who is over six months old and has a long-term condition on the list below, speak to your GP about the flu

  • are 65 years old or over (including those becoming age 65 years by 31 March 2025) 
  • have a serious medical condition (see below)
  • chronic (long-term) respiratory disease, such as severe asthmaCOPD or bronchitis
  • chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
  • chronic kidney disease at stage three, four or five
  • chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
  • chronic neurological disease, such as a strokeTIA or post-polio syndrome
  • diabetes
  • a weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV, or treatments that suppress the immune system such as chemotherapy
  • all pregnant women (including those women who become pregnant during the flu  season)
  • all those aged two, three, and four years old (but not five years or older) on 1 September 2024
  • people who are in receipt of a carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an older or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill
  • are a frontline health or social care workers