Meet the Team


GP Partners

Dr Joe Bruynseels
GP Partner
Registered Birmingham 2002 MRCGP, MBChB, BMedSci

Dr Katherine Denham
GP Partner
Registered Southampton 2003 BSc (Hons), BM, DCH, DRCOG, DFSRH, MRCGP

Dr Mark Perring
GP Partner
Registered Plymouth 2011 BMBS, MRCGP

Dr Ray Peerbaccus
GP Partner
Registered Exeter/Plymouth 2009 BM BS

Dr Thirupathirajan Thinakararajan
GP Partner
Registered Bharatidasan 1991 MB BS, DLO, DO-HNS, MRCGP

GP Partner, Elm Surgery, GPwER ENT, Sentinel Healthcare.
Honorary University Fellow, Peninsula Medical School, Plymouth.

 Salaried GP/ Retained GP’s

Dr Vicky McKnight
Salaried GP

Dr Philippa Lee
GP Retainer
Registered Southampton 2009 BSc (Hons), BM, MRCGP

Clinical Team


Our practice nurses have particular skills in health promotion, contraception, foreign travel advice, immunisations, on-going care of asthmatics, diabetics and coronary heart disease and in caring for wounds.

They also remove stitches, take cervical smears and syringe ears; if the nurses feel that you need to see a doctor, they will refer you on.

Equally, you will often find that the doctors refer you on to the nurses.

Sister Debbie Cocking
Practice Nurse

Sally Darby
Practice Nurse

Healthcare Assistant

Healthcare assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as phlebotomy (drawing blood), blood pressure measurement and new patient checks.

They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one.

Sophie Curtis
Healthcare Assistant

Leanne Norman
Healthcare Assistant

Practice Team

Practice Management

Sarah Giles
Practice Manager

Leigh Rowing-Parker
Operations Manager

Reception Team

Our receptionists have a vast knowledge of how the surgery functions and can usually point you in the right direction (e.g. if you are unsure whether you need to see the nurse or the doctor).

They cannot advise about medical problems, but they may ask you for brief details of your problem if you request an urgent appointment or visit; this allows the doctor to see the most urgent patients first.

Please be assured that all practice staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the doctors.

Sharon Blackmore
Receptionist/Care navigator

Sharon Bowden
Receptionist/Care navigator

Sara Widnell
Receptionist/Care navigator

Andrea Sparling

Assistant Operations ManagerĀ 

Katie Downing
Receptionist/Care navigator

Jacqueline Bowles
Receptionist/Care navigator

Sarah Howard

Reception Lead.

Natalie Rowe
Receptionist/Care navigator


Tracey White
Practice Secretary

Julie Field
Practice Secretary

Additional Staff


Tim True
PCN Counsellor

Sarah Corbett
PCN Counsellor

First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP)

Our in-house FCP operates at an advanced level of clinical practice with skills to assess, diagnose, treat and manage musculoskeletal (MSK) problems and undifferentiated conditions.

Patients are referred on to our FCP as a result of clinical presentation via eConsult, the practice website, telephone triage or after assessment by a member of the surgery wider clinical team.

Social Prescribing

Our social prescribers work with patients who would like support to access services and activities in the community to improve their health and wellbeing.

Patients can be referred for a consultation with our in-house social prescriber or self-refer.

Community ANP

Working as an integral member of the surgery team to support housebound patients and patients in Care and Residential homes.

Pharmacy Team

Consisting of clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians working to improve medication safety and management throughout PCN practices.

Mental Health

We now have access to developing mental health services within the PCN.