Patient Participation Group (PPG)

PPGs are run by volunteer patients keen to make a difference to their communities and their GP surgery. The membership consists of patients and surgery representatives and although each PPG is different, because it evolves to meet local needs, the most common activities include:-

  • advising the surgery on the patient experience
  • improving communication between patients and practice
  • assisting with health promotion
  • influencing commissioning of services.

At present, Quantock Vale Patient Group comprises eight patient members and one representative from the practice.

We meet every two months and wish to involve and seek views from the wider patient base. We need to know what patients think of the services the surgery provides, where you think the services could be improved and what services you think the practice should commission in the future. We would like to be able to contact you to seek your views – by email or by phone – a couple of times a year. We need your contact details and your permission to do this; please ask at the surgery reception for the leaflet/consent form “Your Patient Group Needs Your Views”.

We are actively seeking new members to join the PPG. If you have an interest in the services the practice provides for patients, both now and in the future and in helping the practice to improve, please contact the surgery.

Friends and family test

The surgery is interested in the views of our patients. After each face to face appointment, patients are encouraged to provide feedback via the “friends and family” test via their mobile phone. This is an NHS initiative and is designed to allow patients to rate their experience of their surgery. Please find below the results for the last 6 months.

From October 2024 to January 2025 we received 572 responses

488 patients (85%) rated their overall experience as Very Good

57 patients (10%) rated their overall experience as Good

13 patients (2.5%) rated their overall experience as Neither good or poor

8 patients (1.25%) rated their experience as Poor

6 patients (1.25%) rated their experience as Very poor

0 patients stated that they didn’t know