Quantock Vale Surgery is working together with its local Primary Care Network to provide suitable evening and/or Saturday appointments to meet the healthcare needs of our local community.

These will be advance appointments which are pre-booked by a patients registered practice and will take place between 6.30pm – 8pm on Monday to Friday. Occasionally we will be offering some availability on a Saturday. These appointments will comprise of a mix of either face to face, telephone, or virtual appointments.

While these appointments provide enhanced access to patients outside of the practices normal opening times, they need to be pre-booked with the practice during normal opening hours.

The services that patients will be able to access during these times may vary throughout the week, depending on local need and workforce availability.

Example of the types of appointments offered include:
• Flu vaccinations
• routine appointments – Depending on your healthcare concern you may be seen by a GP, practice nurse or another suitable health care professional.
• Annual health check
• Group session

To allow us to provide this access to our local community we are working together with other practices in our area. This may mean that a patient being seen outside of normal practice hours may be asked to attend a different location or receive a call from a GP or local health professional from another surgery. This will not impact the care you receive and allows us to maximise the resources we have, to ensure patients are supported and able to be seen.

It is important patients are aware that the enhanced access service offered through this practice is not suitable for urgent care. For those needing out of out of hours support and advice, please continue to contact 111 either online at 111.nhs.uk or by calling NHS 111 which helps to ensure people get the right medical advice or treatment more quickly. If needed, they will be able to arrange for individuals to be seen safely by the service that best meets their healthcare needs