Are you a carer?
If you are looking after a relative or friend who is unable to manage at home because they may be:-
- elderly and/or frail
- a child or adult with a physical or learning disability
- a person suffering from depression, anxiety or other long-term netal illness
If you are a carer without pay, then you are one of Britain’s seven million unpaid carers.
The caring role may affect you emotionally and physically and can have an adverse effect on your own health.
There is help available from a number of sources.
- We would encourage you to join the surgery’s Carers’ Register. Your information will be recorded confidentially and not disclosed to anyone outside the surgery without your permission. In this way, your doctor will know you are a carer and can take this into account when looking after your health. Ask at reception for the leaflet/registration form “Information and Support for Carers”.
- If you would like to speak to someone informally at the surgery, please ask for our Practice Manager. They will be pleased to help you.
- You can contact the Carers’ Support Worker for advice and support. Access the service by ringing Somerset Adult Social care on 0300 1232224 or via their website (click here). They will take your details and pass them to the Carer Support Worker, who will contact you.
- There are a number of Carers’ Groups, activities, training and self-help courses available. which can provide relief from isolation, ensure you know what support is available for carers and help you cope with your role. Ask Anna or the Carer Support Service.
Free NHS Health Checks for Carers
We offer free NHS Health Checks to eligible patients aged 40 – 74. These are intended to assess the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or diabetes and will be offered to patients without pre-existing disease every five years. The screening clinics are run by Sue, one of our practice nurses and will look for early warning signs so that early action can be taken to improve your health and prevent the onset of these conditions.
Our first priotity is to invite Carers to have an NHS Health Check because the Carer’s health often takes second place to that of the person being cared for. If you receive a letter of invitation, please take the opportunity to look after yourself for once and book an appointment for your free NHS Health Check.