Our Doctors
DR Fiona Newman (F)
Partner – MBChB, MRCGP, DFSRH, PGC MedEd
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Areas of interest: All areas of General Practice, family planning/women’s health, Safeguarding, Palliative care. Other roles; Senior Partner, GP Trainer.
DR Johanna Bergin (F)
DR Anthony Smith (M)
Partner – BMedSc (Hons), MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, Adv Dip Primary Care Mental Health.
DR Manoj Bulchandani (M)
Partner- MBBS,DNB (Medicine), MRCGP
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Areas of interest: Medicine and all aspects of General Practice. Other Roles: GP Trainer, Significant Events lead.
DR Moses Tongabiang Tarh (M)
Salaried GP
DR Fiona Mcleod(F)
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Areas of interest: Minor ops, joint injections, family planning-contraception and Women’s Health.
DR E Mead (F)
Salaried GP- MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, PGCert Med Ed
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Areas of interest: Women’s Health, Medical Education.
DR Rania El-Beltagy (F)
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Areas of interest: Children’s Health
DR Hannah Theobold (F)
Salaried GP
DR Adaiah Yahaha (M)
Salaried GP- MBBS, M.SC, MRCGP
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Areas of interest: Genomic medicine, health inequalities, joint injections, health policy.
DR Julian Tyszka (M)
Salaried GP
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DR Muhammad Khalil (M)
Salaried GP- MBBS, MRCGP
Our Specialist Nurses
Specialist nurses are experienced practitioners working within the area of long-term health conditions.
Elaine James
Specialist Nurse Practitioner – RN, Dip.N, Bsc (Hons)
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Areas of interest: Diabetes, Heart Disease & Hypertension. Other roles: X-pert Diabetes Educator with County Team.
Alison Rogers
Respiratory Nurse Practitioner. RGN Dip.N Nurse Prescriber
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Area of interest: Respiratory Disease. Diplomas in: Asthma, COPD, and Performing/Interpretation of Spirometry. Background: Qualified 1998 Coventry University. Worked in General Practice since 1999.
Caroline Kelly
RGN, Queens Nurse
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Areas of interest: Diabetes
Our Practice nurses
Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help within the areas of but are not limited to family planning, lifestyle advice, wound care and dressings. They also carry out cervical smears and travel health.
Katie Williams
RN, BSc First Class (Hons)
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Areas of interest: General nursing care, treatment room.
Emma Jenkins
RN, BNurs (Hons)
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Areas of interest: General nursing care, treatment room.
Serena Thompson
Nurse Associate
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Emilia Starr
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Areas of interest: General nursing care, treatment room.
Our Healthcare Assistants
Healthcare assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as phlebotomy (drawing blood), blood pressure measurement and new patient checks. They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one.
Louise Grubb
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Phlebotomy, Hypertension, B12 injections, Shingle, Pneumococcal and flu vaccinations, ECG’s, NHS health checks.
Hannah Berry
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Roles in Bloods, B12 injections, vaccinations, wound checks and ECG’S.
Samantha Rose
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Roles in Phlebotomy, ECG’s, Vaccinations, B12 injections, Wound dressing.
Our Pharmacists
Our pharmacists are based within the surgery itself working as part of the clinical team alongside the GPs and nurses. The main purpose of their role is to help the team deliver high-quality care to patients. This will be achieved by dealing with any medication or prescription queries, liaising with community pharmacies, undertaking medication reviews and ensuring that repeat prescriptions are updated after patients have been discharged from hospital.
Sameeha Gulamhusein
Anila Ellahi
Our Practice Management
The practice manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The practice manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.
Jessica Bethel
Practice Manager
Libby Pountney
Deputy Practice Manager
Our Care Navigators
Care Navigators provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Care Navigators make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses. They also perform other important tasks such as issuing repeat prescriptions and dealing with prescription enquiries.
Our Secretaries
Our medical secretaries are relied upon by the GP’s, medical staff, and patients to keep office operations running smoothly. In addition to performing administrative and supportive functions, they must know medical terminology and be familiar with various medical procedures and business practices. They must have computer skills in order to accurately and efficiently process patient information, including payments and insurance claims. They manage the office, clinical system, e-referral system and patient records, and support the GP’s schedule. They also support and prepare medical reports and transcribe and type medical reports.
Our Administration
We have other members of admin staff who perform other important roles such as data input, scanning and patient registration.
Our Health Visitors
Health Visitors are Registered Nurses with a further qualification which equips them with knowledge and skills to deal with children aged 0–5 years, support women antenatally, new parents, families, people experiencing bereavement, provide counselling and health promotion. The Health Visitor role includes caring, advising, supporting and educating individuals, families, groups and the community on health related issues. You can contact your health visitor on 01527 488771. Our current Health Visitor lead is Debbie Steadman.
Our Community Nurses
The district nurse team provide nursing care to patients who are confined to their own homes. You can phone them direct on 01527 488350.
Our PCN Team
Keerthana Muthurajan
First Contact Physiotherapist
Henna Zulfiqar
Physician Associate
Karolina Syczyk
Physician Associate
Sophie Smith
Clinical Pharmacist