Aim of the Patient Participation Group
The aim of this group is to inform the practice on the services provided by the practice from the patient’s perspective and help develop future services.
The activities of Patient Participation Groups (PPG’s) vary because they develop to meet local needs. They may include:
- Improving communication through newsletters, websites and other means.
- Organising health promotion events in partnership with the practice.
- Running services to meet local need, such as volunteer transport, prescription delivery, patient libraries, befriending and carer support.
- Providing advice, influencing commissioning and carrying out research.
- Supporting the practice in its dealings with other bodies.
Membership is open to anyone who is a patient at Salters Medical Practice. We also have a Patient Reference Group which is kept up to date with information about the Practice by email. If you would like further details on our Patient Participation Group or Patient Reference Group, including an application form to become a member, please pick up a leaflet from reception or email
A copy of the application form can be downloaded here
Chairperson – Mike Lambden