In line with the NHS Long Term Plan, GP practices across England have begun working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services to form Primary Care Networks (PCNs).
PCNs aim to further improve access, availability and quality of primary care services to local people by:
- increasing the number of healthcare staff working in and with GPs
- providing people with better access to a wider range of support for their needs
- developing community teams that support people in their own homes
- expanding services available in GP practices.
A key feature of practices coming together, is introducing new roles into general practice which helps GPs focus their skills where they are most needed, such as diagnosing and treating patients. These roles include:
- Clinical Pharmacists
- Social Prescribing Link Workers
- First contact Physiotherapists
- Physician Associates
- Community Paramedics
What is a Neighbourhood Team?
The staff from these different teams work together to deliver a number of key objectives:
To improve care coordination for people with multiple long term conditions
To provide better, local and faster access to services
Helping to activate proactive care
Reductions in permanent admissions to residential/nursing care
Reductions in non-elective emergency hospital admissions
Reductions in forced evictions and homelessness
Better health outcomes (including less obesity, smoking and teenage pregnancy, and more breastfeeding)
Improve emotional wellbeing
Ensuring that the ‘voice of the service user’ is clearly heard
This type of care delivery requires a fully integrated response across health, social care, housing, employment, benefits and voluntary sectors.
Pershore and Upton Neighbourhood Team
Neighbourhood Teams bring together a range of professionals, including district nurses, therapists, GPs, and social care staff into one of 13 teams providing care and treatment to patients in their own homes. The aim is to deliver more proactive and responsive care to reduce unnecessary hospital admissions or repeat GP appointments wherever possible.
Pershore and Upton Neighbourhood Team cover:
Contact Details
Telephone: 0300 123 7593
Patient Pathway
Social Services
For all enquiries relating to Adult Social Care
You can contact the Adult Social Care Team sending an online form here or calling 01905 768053 (between 09.00am – 5pm)
Emergency Out of Hours Social Work Services:
The Emergency Duty Team (EDT) provides an out of hours response, on behalf of Worcestershire Social Care Services and Herefordshire Children’s Services, to emergency situations that arise outside normal Social Care office hours.
District Nurses
Nursing Support for Housebound Patients
For nursing interventions for housebound patients or those requiring care at home, please contact the District Nursing Team directly.
Call 0300 123 7593, selecting Option 2 or Option 5 for all district nursing inquiries.
This is a 24-hour service, and all calls will be triaged through this number to ensure appropriate care is provided.
Neighbourhood Team Triage
Triage clinician available for general guidance and advice.
This service is for all enquiries relating to admission avoidance for patients at potential risk of hospital admission.
Referral to service: 0300 123 7593
Clinical Phone Triage: 0300 123 7593 (option 2) (option 5)
Community Physio
For those living in Evesham, Droitwich, Pershore, Malvern, Tenbury, Worcester, Broadway and Upton, you can visit Patient Self Care for more information.
Before you complete the self-referral form
- Have you been using the advice and tips on the self-help sections for around 8 weeks?
- Are you still feeling pain or discomfort?
- Are you registered with a GP practice in Evesham, Droitwich, Pershore, Malvern, Tenbury, Worcester and Upton?
If you have answered yes to all the above then you can self-refer to the community physio sessions.
You can call 0300 790 0599 Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4pm to check the progress of your referral or to cancel an appointment that you no longer require.
Please note that you cannot self-refer by calling this number, please instead complete the self – referral form.
Domiciliary Physiotherapy for housebound patients:
Telephone 0300 123 7593 or email
Community Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists (OT’s) work with people who have disabilities with the aim of helping people to live as independently as possible.
What does an Occupational Therapist do?
They work with you and your family or carers to identify any areas of difficulty with daily living tasks – including washing, dressing, cooking and getting on and off your bed, toilet and chair.
They will then advise you on overcoming the difficulties you are having. This advice may include:
- suggesting you use a piece of equipment to make a task easier
- providing advice on how to do a task more easily
- suggesting ways to adapt your home to help you live more independently and making referrals for housing adaptations where appropriate
- providing advice on support networks in your area
- providing information on your disability and medical condition
How to see an Occupational Therapist
Anyone with a disability can ask to see an OT – you can refer yourself for an assessment by contacting your local OT office. They may need to communicate with your Doctor about your medical needs.
County Occupational Therapy Helpline: 0300 123 7593
Email: for new referrals, self-referral and advice
Upton Surgery: Malvern Community OT 01684 612637