
Dr Andrew Havercroft (m)
(Sheffield) MB ChB 1989
About Dr Havercroft
Clinical interests/specialisms: Minor ops, substance misuse, joint injection.

Dr Catherine Evans (f)
(Royal Free) MB BS 1995
About Dr Evans
Clinical interests/specialisms: Family planner, safeguarding children, GP Trainer

Dr Caroline Miller (f)
(Newcastle) MB BS 1996
About Dr Miller
Clinical interests/specialisms: Learning Disabilities GP, family planning, safeguarding adults, GP Trainer

Dr Paul Bunyan (m)
(Birmingham) MB ChB 1998
About Dr Bunyan
Clinical interests/specialisms: dermatology, minor ops, clinical audits lead, GP Trainer

Dr Gail Wetmore (f)
(Leicester Warwick) MB ChB 2005
About Dr Wetmore
Clinical interests/specialisms: research lead, family planning, joint injection, ear microsuction, medical students GP, Caldicott Guardian

Dr Amy Ritchie (f)
(Warwick) MB ChB 2011
About Dr Ritchie
Clinical interests/specialisms: ear microsuction, pharmacy GP lead, medical students GP

Dr Ben Barclay (m)
About Dr Barclay
Clinical interests/specialisms: joint injections, GP trainer

Dr Brett Roberts (m)
About Dr Roberts
Clinical interests/specialisms: minor ops, medical students GP

Dr Hannah Robinson (f)
About Dr Robinson
Clinical interests/specialisms: medical students GP
Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Lesley Stevenson (f)
About Lesley

Natasha Turner (f)
About Natasha

Elaine Bevan-Smith (f)
About Elaine
Nursing Team
Practice Nurses
We currently employ 5 practice nurses: Gail Cox (f), Michelle Hale (f), Catherine Senter (f), Oliver Henwood (m) and Amy Roscoe (f).
Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings.
The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailment clinics, immunisations and carry out cervical smears.
Healthcare Assistants (HCA)
We currently employ 3 HCAs: Helen (f), Kay (f) and Teresa (f).
Healthcare assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as phlebotomy (drawing blood), blood pressure measurement and new patient checks.
They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one.
General Practice Assistants (GPA)
We currently employ 3 GPAs: Chloe (f), Shannon (f) and Laura (f).
General Practice Assistants (GPAs) form part of a multi-disciplinary team within primary care, and provide a support role, combined in some areas with basic clinical duties, helping to free up GPs time and contribute to the smooth running of appointments, improving patients experience in the surgery.
Pharmacy Team
Clinical Pharmacist
Josie Hayles (f) is our Clinical pharmacist. She works as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks.
Pharmacy Technicians
We currently employ 2 pharmacy technicians: Amie-Jaine Bridges (f) and Callum Shakespeare (m). They support the delivery of safe, effective and efficient systems for medicines optimisation, repeat prescribing, reducing medicine waste and maximising patient outcomes.
Dispensary Team
We currently employ 8 Dispensers and 1 Apprentice within our dispensary. The team are responsible for managing repeat requests, dispensing prescriptions and supplying medication to patients within our catchment area. We cannot dispense to anyone who lives within 1 mile of another community pharmacy due to dispensing doctors legalities, and you will be prompted to take your prescription to a chemist where applicable.
Care Co-ordinators
Allison Smith (f)
Alli engages with frail and elderly patients in community and their families. She is also our carers lead.
Emily (f)
Emily works closely with the GPs and other primary care professionals within the PCN to identify and manage a caseload of identified patients, making sure that appropriate support is made available to them and their carers, and ensuring that their changing needs are addressed.
Admin Office
Our practice relies on a variety of administrative roles:
Bookkeeper: Eve Jennings
IT Lead: Adam Stanton
Medical Secretaries / Administrators
We have two medical secretaries / administrators: Helen and Lauren. Their work includes arranging hospital referrals and admissions, obtaining results and arranging medicals. They regularly liaise with a variety of consultants and health institutions.
Summarisers / Clinical coders
we have three summarisers / clinical coders in our team. They screen all incoming medical letters, entering key data and selecting and directing appropriate information for GPs attention. The team also files and summarise patient’s medical notes and main our generic email account, workflowing all correspondence to the relevant teams.
Management Team

Ben Kent
Practice Manager

Georgina Gwynne
Assistant Practice Manager

Ana Carvalho
Operations Manager

Chief of Staff
Receptionists provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Receptionists make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses.
They also perform other important tasks such as issuing repeat prescriptions and dealing with prescription enquiries, dealing with patient records and carrying out searches and practice audit
Healthcare Team
We have a number of services attached to our practice. You can find out more information below.
Community Nurses
Housebound patients receive nursing care from the team of District Nurses who are attached to the Practice.
They provide skilled nursing care to individuals in the community. In addition they work alongside other local community healthcare professionals and those within secondary care. In addition to providing skilled nursing services, they offer and promote health care advice and education and the enjoyment of independence and optimum health.
Social Services at Upton Surgery
ONSIDE is a charity established in 1993, steaming from a belief that everyone has the right to be a valued human being and to be treated in a just and fair manner.
Currently work across Worcestershire & Herefordshire, providing a wide range of support services to ensure fairness and equality for all members of our community who may be vulnerable, disadvantaged or discriminated against.
For self-referral, please contact the Onside Access Hub:
01905 27527 or e-mail:
The Podiatry Service in Worcestershire provides triage, screening, assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and foot health education to patients with foot condition or a medical condition that affects the lower limb and foot. Having one of these conditions could result in a foot wound, ulcer, pain, infection, or amputation.
Podiatry Severn
Team leads – Hannah Holloway and Ann Bateman
Hub contact number: 01905 681620
To find out information about our PCN Neighbourhood Team please click here.