
Due to patient safety and capacity issues we do not accept orders for repeat medication over the telephone. 

There are a number of ways in which you may order your repeat prescriptions:

  • Via the NHS App – Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is the most simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet. The NHS App is available now on iOS and Android.
  • NHS Online Login – You can view your current repeat medication and order the items you require. This is for patients who have a NHS login.
  • Patient Access OnlineClick here for more information on Patient Access
  • By repeat slip or on paper – You can drop your repeat slip off at your local Pharmacy or in the White box on the front wall of the Surgery (available 24 hours)
  • By post – You can post your request to the Surgery – 10 Pump Street, Bromyard, HR7 4BZ
  • Email – Email your requests to – please ensure you include your name, date of birth, first line of address, the exact medication you require and when you will need them.

How Long to Process my Request?

Please make sure you allow at least 3 full working days for us to process your prescription request and leave plenty of time before you are due to run out of your medicines.

Day of WeekBefore 12 noonAfter 12 noon

Only order what you need: Please do not stockpile medication. Some may only have short use by dates and will then need to be thrown away.

Queries about your Prescription

If you collect your prescription from somewhere other than the Surgery and you believe it is incorrect, please contact your Pharmacy.

If you have any queries about the medication you are taking, the NHS website has information on how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions – Go to Medicines A to Z (

If you need more information and would like to speak to someone at the Surgery;

  1. Submit an Online Request Form – this will be actioned with 48 working hours.
  2. Contact Reception on 01885 483412 – please note, as above, that Reception will not take prescription orders over the phone.
  3. Send a request via email to – please include your name, date of birth and first line of your address.

Your query will be dealt with by either our Dispensers or by one of our Pharmacists.

Our Dispensary

We can dispense medication directly from the Surgery to patients who live further than one mile (1.6km) from a Pharmacy.

Our Dispensary team are available to provide dispensing patients with medication via the hatch in the waiting room, Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm. 

Nominated Pharmacies & Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS)

If you live within a mile of a pharmacy, we will not be able to dispense your medication. You will need to find an alternative provider to collect medication. Click here to find a pharmacy near you.

We can send your prescriptions electronically, using the Electronic Prescribing Service, to any participating Pharmacy. Please indicate where you would like your prescriptions sent when ordering.

More information on this service can be found via the NHS Digital website

You can change your nominated pharmacy at any time:

Medication Reviews

If you have repeat prescriptions, your medication will need to be reviewed regularly by one of our clinicians. It is really important that this is done to make sure you are on the best possible treatment.

You may see a request printed on your repeat prescription or alternatively, if you collect your medication from the Surgery, our Dispensary team may ask you to book an appointment. The appointment required will vary depending on the medication you take. For example, you could be asked to book:

  • a blood test
  • a blood pressure check
  • a medication review with one of our clinicians

We please ask that you book your appointment promptly once this is requested or contact Reception if you have any concerns. If you have not contacted the Surgery, you may be given a reduced supply of medication, and you will be reminded to book your appointment.

If you have a long term condition, you may be invited to the Surgery for an annual review. This review takes place around the month of your Birthday. The medication review will be the last part of this process once you have been seen by the health care assistant and/or nurse as required.

HRT Pre-Payment Certificate

From the 1 April, the Government is launching the HRT Pre-Payment Certificate (PPC) to reduce prescription costs for women receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

The HRT PPC will be available to buy in one single payment online at, or in-person at some pharmacies. You can call 0300 330 2089 for help and support.

Before buying an HRT PPC, you should check if:

What to do with old medicines

Take it to the pharmacy you got it from or bring it in to the Surgery. Do not put it in your household bin or flush it down the toilet.

When the Dispensary is closed

If you need your medication in an emergency when we are closed, you can receive an emergency supply at the discretion of a Pharmacist. You can access this service by visiting your local Pharmacy, by calling 111 or click here