
We are happy to accept new patients at the Practice. Please use the postcode finder to check if you are within our catchment area or view our boundary map below.

Catchment Area


Please note the NHS Postcode checker identifies the centre of the postcode location, this a nationwide issue which the NHS is looking into, to resolve. However, this does mean you may not be in our catchment area despite it showing you are.

We, as a Surgery, will carry out specific boundary check’s when you come to register.

In order to help us locate and request your medical records, and to help our doctors and nurses give you the best possible care before they arrive, we need you to fill out a New Patient Questionnaire Form.

The easiest way to register with us is by using our online portal:

If you are unable to register online, you can print the registration forms below and bring it to the surgery Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 6:30pm. Please ensure the forms are filled out completely.

Please click on the link below to download our New Patient Registration Form (PRF1), this is the same form for both adults and young people (Under 16’s). However each person who is registering must have their own forms completed.

When you come in we will require:

  • sight of 1 form of photo identification (e.g. passport)
  • 1 form of proof of residence (e.g. utility bill).

We do need to see the originals but we will not take copies of them.

At the time when you bring the form in our Receptionists will advise you of your named GP but you may see any of the doctors at the practice.

Your email address may be used for communication between the surgery and yourself concerning information and events at the practice. If you choose not to be contacted in this way please inform the surgery.

Can we please ask that you keep your details up to date too.

Can I register if I live out of area?

We are currently not taking on Out of Area patients, due to our current capacity. The practice area is centred on Cradley but includes outlying villages in certain parts of Malvern. Please see the website homepage for the postcode finder. If you are out of area, please register with your closest GP surgery.  

Updating your Details

It is important that we always have the most up to date contact details for you in case we need to get in touch. Through the NHS app you are able to update your address and telephone numbers if they change.

Contacting patients via text is becoming a more popular way for people to receive information from the Surgery. Having your up to date mobile number is a quick and easy way for us to get in touch with you if we need to.

It is common for children to have the mobile number of their parents noted on their records. If you get your own mobile telephone please remember to let us know so that we can update your contact details accordingly.

Change of name/ address

If you do not have the NHS APP, you can fill in our Surgery form to update us of a change in contact details. Please note we will need to see some identification upon completion of the below form. Alternatively, you can ask a member of staff for a form at reception.

Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Accreditation

We are proud to have achieved accreditation as an Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Practice. This means that as part of the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant, we have a dedicated clinician who has specialist knowledge of military related health conditions and veteran specific services. This is important in helping ex-forces get the best care and treatment. Please contact us should you need us. We ask patients upon registration if they have served in HM Forces, please let us know if you have served so that we can record this on your records.

For more information and assistance you can also visit:

The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service – click here

Veterans Gateway – click here