District Nurses

District Nurses provide skilled nursing care to patients in their own home for those who cannot attend the surgery to see the Practice Nurses.

The team is led by a District Nursing Sister or Charge Nurse and is supported by community staff nurses and health care assistants.

They offer a 7 day service provided between the hours of 8am to 6pm with last referral being 5pm to patients who are registered to this practice where ever they live.

The service is for urgent referrals only at weekends.

The nursing team work alongside the community therapy team to provide holistic assessment and treatment of patient’s needs.

Patients and families are able to refer to the service but as the District Nurses are out of the office for most of the day we recommend that messages are left on the below number.

The District Nurses can be contacted on: 01630 650734 (this is an answerphone system please be prepared to leave a message).