What does insertion of an IUCD (a copper containing coil) or an IUS (a coil containing progesterone hormone) involve? You need to book a double appointment with a nurse first in order for her to test with swabs for any infections and treat them before your procedure. The nurse will issue you with a prescription for the coil that she will send to the chemist. On the day of the procedure you need to bring the Mirena coil with you. It is recommended you take some pain relief paracetamol and/or ibuprofen if you able to take this about an hour before the procedure. The doctor will need to examine you to establish the position of your womb. She will then use a speculum (the device used to do a smear) to find your cervix. The area will then be cleaned. To introduce the coil safely she will use a special instrument to hold on to the cervix and another one to measure the length of your womb. She will then insert the coil. The procedures are not usually very painful and the insertion of the coil will feel like a sharp period pain. Please read this information carefully, and ask your doctor or nurse if there is anything that you do not understand.
Consent for Mirena Coil
Information and Consent for Mirena or Jaydess Coil.