Online Services

Online Services

Connect to your GP services online and save time. Quick, easy and secure.


Try the NHS App

If you’re a patient at our practice, you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

It doesn’t replace existing services.

You can still contact us in the usual ways. But, once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information.

If you already use Patient Access you can continue to use it. But the NHS App will give you easy and secure access on your smartphone.

What the NHS App does

  • Advice and information
    – search symptoms, conditions, and treatments, get health advice through 111 online, find NHS services near you & check your NHS number
  • Appointments
    – book and cancel appointments, check your referrals and hospital appointments and manage vaccinations
  • Prescriptions
    – nominate a pharmacy and order repeat prescriptions
  • Manage your health
    – access your GP health record securely, register your organ donation decision and take part in health research
  • Send and receive messages
    – send an online form about your symptoms, conditions, or treatment directly to the surgery, receive messages and notifications, view messages from your GP surgery and get notifications through your phone or tablet
  • Help someone else
    – link profiles and apply to access the health records, appointments and prescriptions of people you care for (including children) – or get help from someone you trust
  • New NHS App features – Hospital Appointments
    While you are waiting for your hospital appointment, operation or treatment, you can now use the NHS App to view and manage your hospital appointments, and access information and support while you wait to be seen.
    You will be able to see all your referrals and hospital appointments in one place via the NHS App, and have a single point of contact for each appointment.
    If you already use Patients Know Best you can continue to use this, and you can also use the NHS App.
Quote / Testimonial:

If you’re a patient at our practice you can use the new NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

For more information go to NHS online services – NHS (

Get Started

Get the app

Non-urgent advice: Having Problems?

If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can select ‘help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit

Download the NHS App

You can still contact the practice by phone or in person, this is just another option, which other patients have found is more convenient and saves them time. More information including “how to” leaflets and videos of patients and why they are using GP online services are available at

How to….

The NHS App home page

How to find services near you on the NHS App

How to use 111 on the NHS App

How to order your repeat prescriptions on the NHS App

How to see your GP health record on the NHS App

How to see your hospital referrals on the NHS App

How to use the NHS app to book and cancel practice and hospital appointments

How to switch profiles on the NHS App

Online Consultation

Contact us Online

Patient Access

Online services allow you to:

  • book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional 
  • order repeat prescriptions
  • see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
  • see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals

How to register for Online Services

If you have not used our online services before you will need to:

  • Contact the surgery by phone or in person
  • Verify your identity
  • Secure a username and password
  • Enter Patient Access and enter your registration details exactly as shown on the form.
  • After registering, log on with your username and password.

Proxy Access

Some patients find it helpful for a second person to have access to their online GP record. This is often a family member, medical next of kin, a close friend or a carer whom they trust to act on their behalf. This is called proxy access.

Patients may choose to share login information and/or information from their online records informally but should be made aware of risks to the security and confidentiality of their clinical record of doing this.

The alternative of formal proxy access, which has to be set up by the GP practice, is subject to a number of checks and safeguards.

For more information: NHS England » Proxy access.