Barton Family Practice News – November 2023

Posted by: owen - Posted on:

We have some vital information this month about your NHS record. From the 1st of November 2023, all patients in England will be able to access their GP health record through the NHS App. Everyone over the age of 16 with an online account such as the NHS App, NHS website, or other GP online services and apps, will automatically be able to see all future information entered on their NHS record. For more information about online accounts go to 

Having your own information available online gives you more control and involvement with your healthcare. You will be able to see the results of tests, read the notes of GP consultations, and see hospital and clinic letters that have been saved in your GP records. Note that you will not have direct access to all the hospital records, nor will you be able to see anything entered in your GP notes before November the 1st. Carers who would like to see information about someone they care for should speak to reception staff.

The NHS App, website and other online services are all very secure. Please ensure that you protect your login details.

It may do more harm than good for some people to access their health records directly. We have carried out a review of our records, identified a few instances where online access may be harmful, and taken measures to prevent automatic access. This only affects a very few people.

These changes only apply to people with an online account. If you do not want an online account, you can still access your GP health record by requesting this information via reception or by sending an email to

Not everyone will want to have access to their health records. If you do not want to see your health record, or if you would like more information about these changes, please speak to your GP or reception staff. For more information about how to get your medical records, please visit below:

Best wishes from your team at Barton.