Substance Misuse

If you need help with substance misuse, whether it be drugs or alcohol there are local support services available

Cheshire East provide an easy-access service to people in East Cheshire whose drug or alcohol use is a problem with the aim of promoting health and minimising harm to the individual, their families and the community. 

Their integrated service is led by expert clinicians and knowledgeable staff who are committed to supporting people to make positive changes and progress toward improved health and well-being. 

The service promotes recovery through early intervention and prevention for people of all-ages.

This specialist substance misuse service service has been commissioned by Cheshire East Council and is one service provided collaboratively with a range of partners.

Our expert teams are from a variety of professional backgrounds to ensure that people who access our service have the benefit of wide-ranging knowledge and skills to meet their needs at various stages of their recovery

Accessing the Service

You can find more information about the Substance Misuse Service on their website.

You can self refer to the substance misuse service by:
Telephone: 01270 656 301 