Deafness & Hearing Loss
Did you know if you are Deaf or suffer with hearing loss, you can easily make us aware of your needs? The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) have the facility for you to create your digital communication card, which will help us to understand your needs. It is easy to create, and you can show our Staff and Clinicians.
Here is the link to create your own Create a personalised digital communication card – RNID
Below is an example of a digital communication card

You can also choose your preferred way to make appointments and receive information. This is part the Accessible Information Standard, which aims to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss are given information that they can easily read or understand.
We can offer an interpreter service through deaf links; you can book appointments via email by contacting us on
We can also send you links to book your own appointment via AccuRx text Messaging service for various clinics.
We will endeavour to meet your requirements the best we can, and your preferred choice of contact will be documented on your records.
If you suffer from hearing loss, or are worried about hearing loss, come and discuss it today.