Sow & Grow

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FREE weekly, seasonal gardening activities at Hawkesley Community Centre for those over 50

Sow and Grow

Bring together small groups of socially isolated older people by providing a free 12 -week table-top gardening courses at Hawkesley Community Centre. Individuals may have experienced further loneliness and as result of the COVID 19 social distancing.

Sessions will support individuals with:

  • learning new gardening skills, helping them continue gardening and improve their health and wellbeing,
  • forming friendships and gain confidence to help them build local support networks, and
  • re-engage with their local community, motivating them to become more active citizens

Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) is the process of using plants and gardens to improve physical and mental health, as well as communication and thinking skills. It also uses gardening as a safe and accessible activity to develop someone’s ability to mix socially, make friends and learn practical skills that will help them to be feel more connected with others and the community.

The benefits of STH include:

  • Better physical health through increased activity, learning how to use or strengthen muscles to improve mobility and co-ordination
  • Improved mental health through a shared sense of purpose and achievement, boosting confidence and self-esteem
  • The opportunity to connect with others through a shared interest, reducing feelings of isolation or exclusion
  • Acquiring new skills, knowledge and confidence to engage more with gardening as a hobby or as an organised activity
  • Feeling better for being in touch with nature. Gardening creates a restorative environment and offers peace and tranquillity which aids rehabilitation and recovery from stress

Sow & Grow Outcomes

We have achieved the following outcomes via our previous programs:

  • 80% of clients enjoyed and experienced the benefits of social interaction
  • 70% of clients felt isolated and lonely
  • 75% of clients felt their general health and well being has improved
  • 60% of clients who felt they felt more motivated, active and purposeful
  • 50% of clients who were planning on continuing the gardening activities in their own homes/local community

Participants are possibly living with disability and may be experiencing declining health and reduced mobility, be less active, or unable to access the support groups and clubs previously attended due to COVID restrictions.  They are likely to be socially isolated, their confidence and self-esteem could have dropped and are more likely to be experiencing mild mental health issues such as depression brought about by their changing circumstances.

Sow & Grow is unique in that it incorporates STH and is designed to be fully inclusive and is proven to benefit people with almost all types of disability, both physical and mental ill-health.

Sow & Grow Program

Beneficiaries take part in an 12 week programme, comprising a 2 hour session (including breaks/lunch), one day per week.

Sessions are based on seasonal activities and are also adapted based on the needs and capabilities of the group. A typical 12 week program can include:

Seed Sowing, Weeding, Germination, Taking softwood cuttings, Propagation, Division of plants, Propagation , Pricking out/potting on, Planting out summer bedding in borders, Importance of garden maintenance and Composting

We will garden throughout the year, what ever the weather. If the weather is particularly cold or wet we will move indoors and do table top gardening or nature based craft activities.

All participants need to wear appropriate clothing and foot wear appropriate for the weather.

Inclusion Criteria

For our Sow & Grow program we would use the following as guidance:

  • Is an adult and over 50
  • Has a desire to attend the program, spend time in nature/a garden and work with others in a group setting
  • Being in a garden/gardening does not present an unmanageable level of risk to them or others e.g. putting things into mouth, need of hygienic area
  • Does not have a disability that affects their mobility – the gardens are not currently accessible to those in wheelchairs


Client gardeners will gain the maximum benefit by regular attendance of the programme. We have a limited number of spaces on Sow & Grow with a waiting list so it is important that potential referrals are able to attend regularly.


Please contact us prior to discuss any potential referrals or share our contact details directly with interested people.

Call the office on 0121 293 4531 or e mail

Hawksley Sow Grow Poster Sep 24