Child Health

We work closely with our Health Visitor team to ensure the ongoing health of children.

Appointments are sent out automatically by the local health authority for routine child health checks. The first will be with a GP at the Surgery when your baby is around 6 weeks old. You will be sent information about this and asked to make an appointment at your local Clinic or Practice.

New babies will be seen by the Health Visitors and an appointment for a eight week baby check with on of the GPs will automatically be made and sent to you. Should you have concerns regarding your baby the Health Visitors are often a very good source of information and guidance.

  • You will also be offered routine health reviews for your child, with your Health Visitor, at 6-8 weeks, 8-12 months and 2-2½ years old.

Baby drop in clinics run at Poplar Road Surgery in Kings Heath. There is no need to make an appointment for these clinics.

Child Immunisations

Immunisations are given by our Practice Nurses or other Healthcare Professionals in accordance with the NHS vaccine schedule.

Different vaccines are given at different ages to protect you and your child. Find out when these vaccinations are offered, and when and where they’ll be given: NHS vaccinations and when to have them – NHS

  • All appropriate childhood immunisations are coordinated and carried out by the nursing team at the practice. Full details of these can be found in your baby’s ‘Red Book’. If you think that any immunisations have been missed please contact the surgery and we will be able to check this for you.