Child Health

If your child is unwell, please seek help!

It is really important to realise that not every unwell child has COVID-19. If your child is unwell, please seek help. Remember that NHS 111, GP’s and hospitals are still providing the same safe care that they have always done

FREE online parenting course

Birmingham Children’s Trust have pre-paid for every parent in Birmingham to access a parenting course at:

Just enter the access code “COMMUNITY” at the top of the page to claim. There are courses for parents, carers and grandparents of children from bump to 19. Learn about how your child develops, and get tips to manage their behaviour.

Top tips – winter illness for your child

Birmingham Children’s Hospital has produced some videos and resources for winter illness top tips, which you can access here. Please feel free to use these resources as you see necessary.

Medical help and advice for families with young children

At this challenging time, it is extremely important for you to know that COVID-19 is unlikely to make your child unwell. Like everyone else your child needs follow the same message – to stay at home.

However, all the ‘normal’ illnesses that can make children severely unwell still remain and there is a major risk that parents may delay bringing their child to the attention of a healthcare professional even if they are unwell, due to concerns about COVID-19.

GPs and hospitals are still providing the same safe care that they have always done for children. If you are not sure if your child is unwell and whether they need to be seen: 

  • Look online for advice click here
  • For information about crying babies click here
  • Call your GP – Karis Medical Centre is open as normal and a clinician will triage your call
  • Call 111
  • If your child appears severely unwell and advice is not quickly available call 999 or take them to Accident and Emergency Department at hospital as you would in other times

Ladywood Helpers

For practical support due to self isolation or illness, the Ladywood Helpers group is a community volunteers organisation which has been set up to provide help – from food parcel deliveries, money advice, prescription pick ups or a simple phone call or text.

Mobile: 07936 034 753 (text only)

Ladywood Family Support Workers

If you are struggling to cope or feel particularly vulnerable, the Ladywood Children’s Centre’s Family Support Workers are able to provide help and advice on: