Shingles Vaccination

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Shingles vaccine

From 1 September 2023, all newly eligible individuals will be offered 2 doses of the non-live shingles vaccine Shingrix® instead of Zostavax®. In addition to this, the eligibility for the immunocompromised and immunocompetent cohorts will change to allow individuals to be protected at an earlier age. This is based on recommendations from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).

Although shingles can occur at any age, the risk and severity of shingles and its complications increases with age and is high in individuals who are immunosuppressed. It is important to ensure that those at greatest risk are vaccinated at an earlier age and this forms the basis of the JCVI recommendations.

Change of Vaccine

  • Shingrix® will replace Zostavax® for the whole shingles programme
  • Shingrix® will require a 2-dose schedule for all cohorts. The dosing interval will differ for immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients
  • Shingrix® should be offered to all people reaching eligible age on or after 1 September 2023. Those cohorts previously eligible for Zostavax® who are under 80 years of age, should continue to be offered Zostavax® until central stocks deplete (via ImmForm), after which they should be offered Shingrix®
  • Individuals who have received Zostavax® previously should not be revaccinated with Shingrix®
  • Shingrix® can be administered alongside other vaccines.
  • In 2018, it was agreed that patients could be immunised with shingles vaccine at any point in the year as soon as they reach eligible age. Shingles vaccination should continue to be offered year-round

Below are the links to Eligibility Posters for your further information.