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Nursing Team
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Administration Team
We have three Practice Administrators, Debbie Francis, Lynn Gardner and Sajda Chohan. Their duties include typing correspondence and other documents for the doctors, administering requests for third party reports e.g. for insurance companies, and requests for medical requests from solicitors. They also monitor patients’ health records and call them in for blood tests and vaccinations, code medical events and conditions onto patients’ medical records, manage the call and recall system for cervical smears and for long term conditions such as asthma and diabetes, and ensure test results are correctly processed and patients informed. The Practice has signed up to the Government’s ‘Choose and Book’ initiative and your doctor may offer you a choice of hospitals when referring you. Patients are asked to telephone and arrange their first out-patient appointment to suit their own needs.
Appointments can be made by the secretary should patients request this. If you want more information regarding your referral, please telephone the secretary.
The Administration team is led by Marie Quinn (Practice Manager) and Tracey Altimas (Reception Manager). The Administration Team is also responsible for setting up the computerised appointment system and for ensuring that we have adequate nursing and doctor cover at all times. This involves the management of leave requests and the booking of GP locums.
The Prescribing Team: There are eight members of staff who work to Practice guidelines to ensure that requests for repeat prescriptions are processed accurately and quickly to minimise delays for patients.
The reception office is the centre point of the Practice, and all incoming calls are received there. In addition to making appointments and dealing with enquiries at the reception desk, our Receptionists have a wide range of other duties including: – New registrations – Changes of addresses/names – Booking and cancelling appointments – Taking requests for home visits – Ensuring emergencies are dealt with appropriately – Handling requests for the results of tests and investigations – Handing out prescriptions – Dealing with all enquiries that come into the Practice – Carrying out requests from the doctors – Assisting visitors – Stock ordering – Management of patient information literature and posters.
Community Nurses
The District Nursing Team provide all aspects of nursing care at home when you are unable to get to the surgery. District Nurses have training and experience in wound care, chronic disease management, continence promotion and palliative care.
Health visitors
The District Nursing Team provide all aspects of nursing care at home when you are unable to get to the surgery. District Nurses have training and experience in wound care, chronic disease management, continence promotion and palliative care.
Community Midwives
The Practice has a Community Midwife attached to the surgery – Zoe Meadows. She holds clinics at the surgery on Thursday afternoons.
Substance Misuse Worker
Reach Out Recovery provides a shared care service for drug and alcohol misuse in association with Dr James, who prescribes medication to reduce harm and support abstinence. If you would like advice or support, a self-referral form can be requested from reception or from your doctor.
Primary Care Network Staff
Social Prescriber
Our Social Prescriber, Sophia Sharif, can help patients who are lonely or isolated, or have social needs that affect their wellbeing. She has developed strong links with local community organisations and statutory services to enable her to support our patients.
First Contact Physiotherapist
Our First Contact Physiotherapist, Prasanna Selvaraj, currently works two afternoons a week at the Practice. He is able to assess and diagnose, give expert advice on how to manage your condition, and refer on to specialist services if necessary.
Clinical Pharmacists
Our Clinical Pharmacists, Nimisha Lodhia and Imran Khel, conduct medication reviews, reconcile medication when patients leave hospital, and advise our GPs in changes to prescribing to support the improvement of prescribing safety.
GP Assistant
Our GP Assistant, Enes Aytugu, works alongside our GPs providing administrative support. He also sees patients to take medical histories, performs blood tests and ECGs, and checks blood pressures.