Appointments are available to book up to two weeks in advance, as well as on the day bookings and emergencies. Appointments are bookable online please request this facility at Reception and you will be provided with a letter to enable you to do this or click on the link if you already have this facility activated.
Login to book your appointment
Patient Access
Consultation Times
The appointment system operates both for your convenience and to aid the doctors. An appointment is for one person only unless agreed with the doctor beforehand. You may see any of the doctors in the practice, not just the one with whom you are registered. You will be offered the first available appointment.
Genuinely URGENT cases will be fitted in the same day, but not always with the doctor of your choice. Emergency appointments are NOT for conditions that could be seen routinely.
Booking an Urgent Appointment
If you feel you need to see a doctor urgently, please phone as early as possible as appointments on the day will be given on a first come, first served basis.
Please make the Receptionist aware that you feel the problem us urgent – you may be asked to speak to a GP before being offered an appointment to triage the urgency of the call.
Booking a Routine Appointment
For routine appointments please ring the main line on 0121 327 0327. These appointments are available to book up to two weeks in advance.
Failure to Attend Your Appointment
It is vital to our service provision that appointments are not wasted as we have many patients to provide a service to and patients who fail to attend, do not cancel appointments in advance or arrive late prevent others who may be vulnerable from seeing their doctor quickly.
In the event of your not being able to keep your appointment, as much notice as possible should be given. There is normally a high demand for appointments and failure to notify us of your inability to attend inconveniences both the practice and the other patients.
The practice follows a policy for patients who fail to attend appointments.
Non-urgent advice: Text Reminder Service
We realise that it can be easy to forget an appointment, particularly when made some weeks in advance. Consequently, we have a text reminder system.
If you have a mobile phone, you will get an automated message about 48 hours before an appointment. If you are unable to make it please call.