Practice Name : Allesley Park Medical Centre
Local Patient Participation Report 2012/13
Allesley Park Medical Centre is based between Whitaker Road and Winsford Avenue; the practice is a training practice and has 5 GPs, a nursing team of 5, which includes 2 nurse practitioners. The practice has a list size of 16,092 patients as at November 2013, of which approximately 50% are registered with the University of Warwick Health Centre. The practice occupies premises which are part of a new purpose built Neighbourhood Centre with improved facilities and car parking for its patients.
The practice has an active patient panel that played a key role in setting and reviewing the contents, comments and questions in the patient survey and to agree the focus areas and content of this year’s questionnaire.
After initial discussions a final meeting took place with the patient panel in May 2013 to make changes to the survey to ensure that their priorities and issues were covered by the survey questions. A very short and concise questionnaire was produced for distribution starting in June 2013 to enable patients to comment on the service(s) provided by Doctors, Nurses, staff and the building itself.
Two hundred and sixty eight questionnaires (Target 25 per 1000 registered patients) were completed at Allesley Park MC which were completed by patients either in the surgery or submitted on line to ensure that all patients had the opportunity to share their comments and their priorities with the practice. A further minimum 400 questionnaires (for both practices on site) will be completed at the University of Warwick Health Centre by the end of December and published separately. The results outlined below relate to the patient survey for Allesley Park Medical Centre patients only.
Step 1: Develop a structure that gains the views of patients and enables the practice to obtain feedback from the practice population, e.g. a Patient Reference Group (PRG)
Our patient panel member’s has increased from 12 and now consists of 15 members, which includes 13 females and 2 males. The panel members are aged between 27-70 years, the practice has endeavoured to recruit more males and younger patients, although this continues to be a challenge. The University site provides feedback for the lower age bands up to 27 years of age. The panel are aware of the fact that there is no one younger than 27 years on the panel.
The panel have in the past, and are trying hard, to encourage younger members by using the following methods- approaching local schools and putting articles in the school newsletter, advertising in the practice brochure, and advertising on the practice website and practice newsletter.
Our patient panel is representative of patients with disabilities, long term conditions, ethnic minorities and both working and retired patients at Allesley Park.
Since the practice has moved into its new building we have enabled patients, via the website, to register on line to join the panel and we have had several more patients requesting to be involved. These interested patients have been invited to attend our meetings, and become full members of our patient panel.
Step 2: Agree areas of priority with the PRG
An initial meeting was held with the patient panel chair and panel members in January 2013 to review last year’s report. In May 2013 a more detailed meeting was held to agree and finalise the key priorities, issues and focus areas for this year’s survey. The minutes reported dated 10th May and 12th August support the panel thoughts and findings.
A very short questionnaire was compiled and issued. It was felt that the questionnaire would then enable the practice to respond to the priority areas and issues that our patients identified. The final questionnaire encompassed all the key areas that had been highlighted from our patient panel survey discussions. The main areas identified were.
- Telephone Access – Pre 10am and after 10am.
- Access to GP’s – Specific GP within 3 days and any GP within 2 days.
- Access to Nurses – Specific Nurse within 3 days and any Nurse within 2 days.
- Opening Hours – Whether they are convenient.
- Practice Cleanliness.
- Receptionists – Greeting and confidentiality at reception desk.
Step 3: Collate patient views through the use of survey
Please see Step 2 for the process used to collate this year’s survey and questions. The patient panel agreed that the patient surveys could be accessed and submitted on line via our website and were also to be distributed via the post and within the surgery. Patient panel members agreed a rota to attend the surgery and help distribute the questionnaires, and where necessary assist patients in their completion. The reception team also encouraged all patients who came to the survey during that period to complete the questionnaire. A total of 268 questionnaires were completed on line or handed in, which meets the 25 responses per 1000 patients, in accordance with past requirements.
(A further 400 will be completed at the University of Warwick Health Centre for both practices at the site). The results were then analysed to produce pie charts and percentage results for each question. It was agreed that the results would be reviewed and discussed by both the patient panel and the partners prior to publication.
A separate report of patient comments and responses was to be published and an action plan drawn up relating to areas or results in need of improvement. The volume of responses, 268, is the highest to date and supports the methods used to contact our patients to obtain their comments.
Step 4: Provide PRG with opportunity to discuss survey findings and reach agreement with the PRG on changes to services
The initial draft results were discussed with the PRG on 12th August 2013 with a detailed review held on the 8th November. A full partners meeting was held on the 31st October 2013 to discuss the results and comments in detail. Action points and comments were finalised. The results and responses are on display on the practice website and in the waiting room.
A further meeting with the patient panel will be held in February 2014 to review progress of the improvements and action plans implemented in response to the results.
Step 5: Agree action plan with the PRG and seek PRG agreement to implementing changes
The practice has responded immediately to some of the survey responses with ratification from the panel members obtained when the Patient Participation Action plan was agreed at the meeting held on 8th November 2013. A progress review is to be held at the February 2014 meeting.
Step 6 : Publish actions taken and subsequent achievement.
Please see Steps 1 – 5 for the PRG description profile and steps taken to improve its demographics and the process undertaken to agree priority areas and issues to be included in the patient survey. The outcome of the survey was discussed with the PRG and partners, see step 4, and also implementation of its findings via an action plan at step 5.
The patient survey results, pie charts, bar charts, patient comments and responses together with the action plan will be displayed in the reception area during December and January 2013/14.Please see the action plan below.
Patient participation Action Plan
Survey Finding | Comments/Agreed Action | Action by who | Action by when | Date completed |
Telephone Access | The patient panel identified this as a priority area. Patient feedback from the survey showed that 23% before 10am and 4% after 10am of patients had difficulty getting through on the telephone without a little wait. Response/Actions The practice now has 5 incoming lines to reception with staffing levels increased to provide cover from 8.30am to 11am each day. Telephone routing has been improved to improve answering times. An on line booking and message service will also be implemented to help reduce telephone calls received. | Kevin Arnold | ASAP | Sept 2013 |
Accessing GP appointments | Comments 53% Could not obtain an appointment with a specific GP within 3 days.42% could book an appointment with any GP within 2 days at the practice. Response/Actions DNA appts affect appointment availability. Patients reminded to pre book in advance. Appts available min 4-6 weeks ahead. The practice has implemented an on line appointment booking service via our website and we have introduced early Monday morning surgeries from 7am and late night extended surgeries on a Tuesday and Thursday to 8pm to accommodate working patients. The overall experience of booking a GP appointment was 75% satisfied or better. | Kevin Arnold | Oct 2013 | Oct 2013 |
Accessing Nurse appointments Opening Hours | Comments 88% Could or did not require an appointment with a specific Nurse within 3 days.88 % Could book or did not require an appointment with any Nurse within 2 days at the practice. Response/Actions DNA appts affect appointment availability.Patients reminded to pre book in advance. Appointments available min 4-6 weeks ahead.The practice has implemented an on line appointment booking service for Nurse Practitioners via their website the overall experience of booking a Nurse appointment was 88% satisfied or better. Comments 91% or patients surveyed said our opening hours were either convenient or very convenient. Responses/Actions We have introduced early Monday morning surgeries from 7am and late night extended surgeries on a Tuesday and Thursday from 8pm to accommodate working patients. | Kevin Arnold Kevin Arnold Sept 2013 | Oct 2013 | Oct 2013 |
Practice Cleanliness Reception Privacy and Greeting | Comments 99% of patients agreed that premises were either very clean or clean and presentable. No actions necessary Comments The Practice acknowledges that confidentiality should be improved, with only 39% very comfortable with this aspect of our service. 44% stated they felt very welcomed with 26% of patients acknowledged. Responses/Actions Agreed to implement offer of privacy signage on reception. A welcome sign is also to be displayed on receptionThe telephones are to be routed so that the back office staff answer phones first to further improve confidentiality. | Kevin Arnold Jessica Matts | N/A Oct 2013 | N/A Nov 2013 |
© Allesley Park Medical Centre 2013 Allesley Park Medical Centre Allesley Park Medical Centre, 2 Whitaker Road, Coventry, CV5 9JE University of Warwick (branch site) University of Warwick Health Centre, University Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL. |