Long Term Conditions & Medication Reviews

Our patients that have a long term condition or are on a high risk medication will be monitored and reviewed within the Practice and called for according to your birth month.  Depending on what your long term condition is or what medication you are taking will depend on what tests are required.

Below is a table that identifies when you can expect correspondance from us;

JanuaryMid November
FebruaryMid December
MarchMid January
AprilMid Feb/March
MayMid March/April
JuneMid April
JulyMid May
AugustMid June
SeptemberMid July
OctoberMid August
NovemberMid September
DecemberMid October

If you are a new patient or haven’t heard from us after referring to the above table then please get in touch with Molly or Carla and we will arrange the necessary tests.

The blood tests are requested by the surgery and sent electronically to Rowley Regis Hospital. You will need to contact them on 0121 507 6104 or swbh.phlebotomy@nhs.net to book an appointment (please state your name, date of birth, and NHS number with your preferred date and time).  If requested for a urine test you can collect a sample bottle and forms from Reception.

These should be returned to the surgery any weekday before 12pm to enable the hospital courier to collect and return to the Hospital for analysis.

Once these tests have been booked please book a face to face appointment with our Health Care Assistant, Ina or Karen, for a physical health check.

They will then book you a telephone medication review with a Clinician to discuss the results from your blood test, create a care plan and reauthorise any repeat medication.