
Dr Brian Crichton
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B.Sc(Hons), MBChB, FRCGP, Cert DC
General Medical Council Number – 3360042

Dr Nick Ridge
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GMC Number -7072162

Dr Saeed Malik
MB BS 1997 University of Punjab (Pakistan)
GMC Reference number 5200397

Dr Anant Malde
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MB BS 2013 Imperial College London
GMC 7419228

Dr Shruthi Gowda
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Non-urgent advice: Our Nursing & Clinical Team
Practice Nurses
Our practice nurses Liz and Kathy carry out a full range of nursing procedures including dressings, removal of stitches, immunisations and cervical screening. They run well-person clinics, travel clinics and are available for health education, including dietary advice. All our nurses have advanced qualifications in asthma, diabetic care, and offer clinic appointments for patients with these long term conditions who need reviews or advice.
District Nurses
We have district nurses attached to the practice. They provide nursing care to patients in their own homes. They can also teach and provide support to carers who look after elderly and disabled people.
If you are expecting a baby, your care before and after the baby is born will be provided by both the doctor and our midwife. The midwife runs an antenatal clinic at the surgery, as well as seeing patients in their own homes. Pick up a maternity pack at reception after your first visit.
Health Visitor
The Health visiting team are based at Grove Road clinic and can be contacted on 0121 704 3405. Health visitors are experienced, specialist nurses who offer help, information, support and advice to families with young children.
Well Child clinics are run at:
– Grove Road Clinic, Grove Road, Solihull, B91 2AQ
Tuesdays 9 – 11.00am
– Garretts Green Children Centre, 117 Garretts Green Lane, Garretts Green, Birmingham, B26 2JL
Tuesday 1:00pm – 2:30pm
– Ulverley Children’s Centre, Ulverly School, Rodney Road, Solihull, B92 8RZ
Thursday 12:30 – 2:30pm
We have a physiotherapist service based at the centre, this is known as the Musculoskeletal Service as they deal with much more than just providing physiotherapy. They can send you for X rays and scans as well as providing joint injections. If you wish to self refer you can pick up a form from reception.
Non-urgent advice: Our Practice Team
Practice Manager
Lee Andersen
Practice Secretaries
The practice has 2 secretaries Emma, Alison who are available to help you with any queries regarding hospital referrals, self-help groups or other secretarial matters.
The Receptionist Team
The reception team is a vital link with the rest of the practice and will help you in every way they can. They are available every weekday from 8.30am to 6.30pm to make appointments, receive prescription requests and deal with any general enquiries.
Unpredictability is the nature of our work please bear in mind that delays are sometimes unavoidable.
Please treat our staff with respect.