New Patient Registration
Practice Area
If you would like to check whether you are resident within our Practice area and so eligible to register with us a Practice then please enter your postcode below.
Contact the surgery if you’re not sure if you’re eligible
Catchment Area
Overseas Visitors
Those who visit the UK from overseas must pay for their care when they are in England.
In 2015 changes were made to how the NHS charges overseas visitors for healthcare so the NHS does not lose out on income for the services these patients have received.
Temporary Registration
If you are staying in the area for less than 3 months, you may be able to register as a temporary patient.
Contact the surgery to find out if you can register.
Registering with a GP as a temporary resident – NHS – NHS (
Find Out More
For more information, read NHS advice on how to register at a GP practice.
Named GP
Patients registered at the Surgery have a named, accountable doctor who is responsible for coordinating their care. Your named doctor will be allocated to you by the practice.
You can still talk to or make appointments to see any of our doctors or nurses, not just your named GP.
If you have a preference and would like to request a particular doctor at the practice to be your named GP please talk to one of our receptionists.