Do you, or someone you know, have a health condition which impacts your ability to find or stay in employment?
Thrive into Work offers employment support to anyone who is registered with a Walsall GP, over the age of 18 and has a physical/mental health condition or a mild learning disability.
We can offer support to patients who are out of work and need help with applications, CV work, motivation or confidence building. The aim being to get the patient into paid and sustainable employment.
We also offer a Retention service to those who have been in a role for 6 months or more and may be struggling within the workplace. We can offer support on retaining that role, leaving the role with dignity or looking at other job opportunities.
We are also able to liaise directly with employers to give free impartial advice.
Who is the service for?
People who are out of work and want to work
People who require support in work and are at risk of losing their job or on aperiod of sick leave
People aged 18 or over
People with a registered GP in the West Midlands
People with a neurodevelopment condition, this can be self-defined (for example ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Tourette Syndrome)
Speak to your GP or local health professional.
email the Black Country Healthcare Thrive team on
or call 01384 324645
or visit
You can also self refer Thrive to Work