We hope you find some of the following resources helpful. These links are provided for your convenience, some services are provided by some of Cheshires mental health services and many others are provided by charities.
Links made to other sites/Apps are made at your own risk and Oaklands Surgery accept no liability for any linked sites.
Support Children and Young People
Crisis Team
- CAMHS Crisis line 0300 303 3972
- CWP Out of Hours Advice Line Children and Young people – 01244 397644 – open 5-10 pm Mon-Fri and 12 pm-8 pm Sat and Sun.
- Mon – Fri: 1-5 pm All-Age Wellbeing Hub CWP Advice line 01606 555120 – For young people, family members and professionals.
Visyon – Offer one to one therapy, therapeutic group work, family support work, therapeutic play, creative activities, mentoring, CBT, solution-focused therapy and parent support groups. Based in Congleton.
Tel – 01260 290000 – www.visyon.org.uk
Relate – Offer children and young people’s counselling for those suffering from mental health problems, problems at school or issues with parents. Nearest centre in Crewe.
Tel – 0300 0030396 – www.relate.org.uk
Hope Again – Supporting children and young people after loss. Offers face to face, group work, telephone and email support. Unfortunately the nearest centre is in Birkenhead, Wirral.
Tel – 0808 808 1677 – www.hopeagain.org.uk
Papyrus – Provide confidential support and advice to young people and anyone worried about a young person. Run a national helpline.
Tel – 0800 068 4141 – https://www.papyrus-uk.org/
Catch22 Cheshire East Family Focus – Provide solution-focused support for families with complex needs including young people involved in crime, children who do not attend school regularly, children who have been assessed as needing support and parents and young people with a range of health problems. Requires a referral through Cheshire East Consultation Service from a professional.
Tel – 01625 487180. Referral number – 0300 123 5012
Bullying UK offers support via a helpline, extensive advice on our website, befriending services, and parenting/relationship support group on any aspect of bullying. Contact them via their helpline 0808 800 2222 or www.bullying.co.uk.
Online Counselling & Support Lines
- www.kooth.com offer “free safe and anonymous” online support for young people.
- Support is available via www.startingwell.org.uk for Cheshire West & Chester residents. This is a website with online support for children and young people.
- ChildLine can be contacted on 0800 1111 or via www.childline.org.uk. This is where someone will ask if a child or young person would like to speak to a counsellor or access a range of helpful resources.
Parent’s advice/helplines:
- www.youngminds.org.uk
- Parentline Plus is a helpline (0808 800 2222) that offers information, advice, guidance and support on any aspect of parenting and family life. The helpline service is open 9am – 9pm, Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm Saturday and Sunday. They also have a website: www.familylives.org.uk.
- www.motherwellcheshirecio.com offer counselling to mum’s who are experiencing their own anxiety and depressions difficulties (especially in combination with their child’s own MH difficulties), Self referrals can be made via referrals@motherwellcheshirecio.com or 01606 557666.
NHS Choices www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/talking-to-children-about- feelings
NHS Choices www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/talking-to-your-teenager
Some Other Useful Websites:
- camhs-resources.co.uk
This site was created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being. - www.actionforhappiness.org
- www.positivepsychology.org.uk/practice
- www.smilingmind.com.au
- www.anxietybc.com
- www.samaritans.org
- Anxiety Canada, formerly Anxiety BC, offer tools and resources to help better manage anxietywww.anxietycanada.com. This website also offers the MindShiftTM app, designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety.
- www.mymind.org.uk is an NHS website, run by CWP CAMHS. This site has been developed for everyone interested in the mental health and well-being of children and young people across Cheshire and Wirral.
- The Sleep Council is an impartial organisation that looks at how you can adopt healthier sleep habits and focuses on raising awareness of a good night’s sleep to health and wellbeing www.sleepcouncil.org.uk
- Hearing voices and perceiving stimuli which is not actually ‘real’ is a common experience, with voices being typically confused for our internal voice. This is a website that has useful resources to explore this further www.voicecollective.co.uk/about-voices/.
- www.getselfhelp.co.uk offers self-help and therapy resources, including worksheets and information sheets and self help mp3s.
- MindEd for Families has advice and information from trusted experts and will help you to understand what problems occur, what you can do to best support your family www.mindedforfamilies.org.uk/young-people
- www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk is designed to help you think about emotional problems and work towards solving them.
- www.therapistaid.com create and share worksheets, videos, guides, and other tools to aid mental health professionals in the course of their work.
- www.cwmt.org.uk provide self-help resources to promote resilience and mental wellbeing.
Smartphone Apps:
- Headspace – 7 guided mindfulness activities free
- Smiling mind – mindfulness meditation
- Calm – sounds of nature to help meditation
- Virtual hope box – contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking
- Mind shift – anxiety
- Positive Penguins offers an educational app developed for children to help them understand why they feel the way they do and help them to challenge their negative thinking www.positivepenguins.com
Bereavement & Loss
Child Bereavement UK – Offer support for families who have lost a child or support for children who are grieving. The nearest centre is Runcorn where they offer counselling and also a Young People’s Advisory Group. They do also have a helpline and some useful information sheets about children and bereavement.
Tel – 0800 02 888 40 – www.childbereavementuk.org
The East Cheshire Hospice Children’s Therapies Team offers support for families, teachers and healthcare professionals working with bereaved children through training events, group work and face to face counselling for children and teenagers who have experienced the loss of someone important to them. Contact via 01625 610364 or www.eastcheshirehospice.org.uk/patients- families/children’s-therapies.
St. Luke’s Hospice supports young people and children regarding loss and bereavement within the Mid & South Cheshire area. They can arrange counselling sessions for children individually, as part of the whole family or as a group of young people. Contact them via 01606 555693 or www.stlukes-hospice.co.uk/how-we-can-help/families-carers/bereavement-support-for-children/.
Care for the Family is a national charity that aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties, offering Marriage Support, Parent Support and Bereavement Support. Contact them via 029 2081 0800 or at www.careforthefamily.org.uk
www.winstonswish.org offers support to children and young people after the death of a parent or sibling.
www.riprap.org.uk is especially for teenagers who have a parent with cancer.
Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care. It is somewhere that you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone. Contact this service at www.hopeagain.org.uk or via 0808 808 1677.
www.griefencounter.org.uk support bereaved children and their families to help alleviate the pain caused by the death of someone close. Additionally, they can be contacted via their helpline 020 8371 8455.
Substance Misuse
For substance misuse, www.talktofrank.com/mess-with-your-mind could be accessed. They also have online and telephone support available via their website.
www.changegrowlive.org/content/change-grow-live-cheshire-east/ offer CYP substance misuse services across East Cheshire.
www.adfam.org.uk is a national charity working to improve life for families affected by drugs or alcohol.
Support for Adults
Crisis Team:
- 0800 145 6485 or 01270 650871
- Urgent 24/7 mental health crisis helpline remains open to everyone who is in urgent need of crisis support.
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership 24/7 mental health crisis line for residents of Cheshire and Wirral on 0300 303 3972
Mind – Provide information and support
Tel – 0300 123 3393 – www.mind.org.uk
Samaritans – 24-hour crisis line
Tel – 116 123
Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub – Support for those in fear of their partner or family member, concerned about their own behaviour or concerned for someone else’s safety.
Tel – 0300 123 5101 or text 07771941464.
Cheshire Without Abuse – Support women, men and children whose lives have been affected by domestic abuse. Offer counselling, training, support meetings, recovery programmes, drop-in sessions.
Tel – 01270 250390 – www.cheshirewithoutabuse.org.uk.
Cheshire and Warrington Carers Trust – Support and information if someone is a carer including benefits and rights as a carer
Tel – 0800 085 0307 – cheshireandwarringtoncarers.org.
Carers Trust 4All – Provides practical support to carers and people with care needs
Tel – 0151 230 1137 – www.carerstrust4all.org.uk
Relate – Provide relationship counselling, family counselling, medication and sex therapy.
Tel – 0300 100 1234 – www.relate.org.uk.
Pandas Foundation – Support and advise any parent who is experiencing perinatal mental illness. Also inform and guide family members, carers, friends and employers as to how they can support someone who is suffering. Nearest support groups are Poynton, Stockport and Stoke but they also offer helpline and online support.
Tel – 01691 664275 – www.pandasfoundation.org.uk.
Motherwell – A service for mothers which offers educational services, holistic therapies and mental health support for pre and perinatal depression.
Tel: 01606 557666 – www.motherwellcic.com – referrals@motherwellcheshirecio.com
Brightlife – Project helping to address isolation and loneliness amongst older people. Help them access a range of activities and social opportunities. Based in Winsford
Tel – 01606 884444 – www.brightlifecheshire.org.uk
Amparo – Support service for anyone who has been affected by suicide
Tel – 0330 088 9255.
Survivors of Bereavement – Offer a helpline and lots of information and advice for those affected by suicide
Tel – 0300 111 5069 – www.uk-sobs.org.uk
Expert Patient Programme – 6-week course for anyone living with a long term health condition.
Tel – 01625 505617 or eppc@cwp.nhs.uk.
Wishing Well – Offering a range of services and activities in Crewe and surrounding areas to improve the health and wellbeing of local people
Tel – 01270 256919 – www.wishingwellproject.com
One You Cheshire East – Provide practical support to help people stop smoking, drink less, move more and eat well
Tel – 0808 1643 202 – www.oneyoucheshireeast.org
Military Veterans Service – Offer specialist psychological interventions to military veterans of the British Armed Forces for their service related difficulties. Tel – 0151 908 0019
YouinMind – www.youinmind.org for advice and resources
SMASH care hub: https://www.carehub.info/
Emotions Anonymous – https://www.recovery.org/support-groups/emotions-anonymous/ 12 week online programme
ADHD & ASC Support
- www.adhdfoundation.org.uk works in partnership with individuals, families, doctors, teachers and other agencies to improve emotional wellbeing, educational attainment, behaviour and life chances through better understanding and self-management of ADHD.
- www.adhdnorthwest.org.uk provides a free support service to empower and improve the wellbeing of individuals and families affected by Attention Deficit Disorder and associated conditions.
- www.ukadhd.com aims to support clinicians and allied professionals to identify and meet the needs of children and young people affected by this disorder.
- www.addiss.co.uk (The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service) provide information and resources about ADHD to anyone who needs assistance, such as parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals.
- www.cheshireautism.org.uk offers information and support for individuals who may have an Autism Spectrum Condition.
- www.carerstrust4all.org.uk/asperger’s-social-skills-group-for-children-aged-8-13.html offer a social skills group specifically for children and teenagers aged between 8-18 for Children and teenagers with Asperger’s Syndrome, within the West and East Cheshire areas. Contact them on 0333 323 1990, select Option 1, then Option 3 or via email cheshirewest@carerstrust4all.org.uk or cheshireeast@carerstrust4all.org.uk
- www.autism.org.uk are the UK’s largest provider of specialist autism services.
- www.birdcharity.org.uk works with children & adults with learning difficulties and also people who have brain injuries, and additionally with complex needs and mild learning or behavioural difficulties.
- www.pdasociety.org.uk provide information, support and training for parents, carers, teachers and individuals with PDA.
Sexual Assault, Safeguarding Vulnerability & Domestic Violence
- The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Cheshire and Merseyside) provide support for any adult or child affected by sexual violence on: 0330 363 0063 or via www.rapecentre.org.uk
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), available to the residents of Cheshire, offer forensic and medical care, emotional and psychological support, and practical help to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted on: 0161 276 6515 or via www.cheshiresarc.org.uk - The NSPCC offer support if there is concern about the impact of gangs and what to do to help protect young people. Contact them via 0808 800 5000 or at www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing- abuse/keeping-children-safe/staying-safe-away-from-home/gangs-young-people/
- www.18u.org.uk provides information and support to young people who have been abused in any way.
- With concerns regarding the effects of domestic abuse contact Cheshire without Abusewww.cheshirewithoutabuse.org.uk/jigsaw
- Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together (DART) on 01925 873 000 and their website iswww.nspcc.org.uk/services-and-resources/services-for-children-and-families/dart-domestic-abuse- recovering-together/
- In relation to developmental trauma and attachment difficulties, Beacon House offer free resources via www.beaconhouse.org.uk/useful-resources/