Grove House Practice first set up our very successful Patient Group in early 2006, in recognition of the fact that we needed our patients views and opinions in order to help improve the services we offer.
Over the years, this Group has helped the Practice improve many areas including:
- our communication with patients
- our telephone systems
- our GP appointment system
But, we know that this Group is made up of only a limited number of patients – volunteers who can attend up to 10 meetings a year for one hour on a weekday. That’s not a commitment everyone can make, so we realise this Group cannot represent the full range of our patients.
In particular, our Patient Group is under-represented by patients in the younger age brackets (18-45) and we have therefore set up a “Virtual Patient Group (VPG)” to sit alongside our existing Group so that we can ensure we get feedback from as wide a representation of patients, as possible.
The VPG members are able to make their own comments and/or raise general queries about the services at Grove House Practice on-line, which can then be discussed at the main Patient Group meeting. VPG members will also be asked to take part in short, specific, on-line surveys from time-to-time.
We do not envisage that membership of the VPG need take up a lot of time for those who participate – and you would not be committed to taking part in every survey. And of course, you can resign from the VPG at any time.
If you are interested in joining the Group please ask at reception or contact the Practice through an e-mail at:
Previous Patient Surveys
Over the past several years Grove house Practice has run Patient Surveys in order to obtain our patients views on services at the Practice. The results from these surveys help us to maintain a high level of service for all our patients and make necessary improvements where needed.
To view all information including Annual Reports for previous surveys please click on the link below: