During COVID-19, research was really important. It helped make treatments that saved many lives worldwide. Research also finds new treatments for diseases and ways to spot diseases early. It can help make healthcare better, which is important for hospitals with long waiting lists who are under a lot of pressure.
From time to time, you may be invited to take part in research, but it is your decision. Your choice will not affect your regular care. We will send you invites to research studies by text message, email or letter.
We work with a team called the NIHR Clinical Research Network North West Coast to do this research. They help us give research opportunities to our patients. Every study is different, and what patients do in them varies. You will get all the information you need to decide if you want to take part or not.
Here are some ways you might be asked to take part in a study:
- Complete a questionnaire
- Take part in an interview
- Use a new therapy / device / website
- Take a treatment under supervision
How can you take part in research now?
- Join Dementia Research connects registered volunteers with dementia researchers across the UK who are looking for people to join their studies: Join dementia research
- Research for The Future has opportunities to get involved in research across all health conditions as well as for healthy volunteers: Research for the Future
- NIHR Evidence makes health and care research findings informative, accessible, relevant and ready for use for all: https://evidence.nihr.ac.uk/
Current studies:
Integrating Bipolar Parenting Intervention study – https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/health-and-medicine/research/spectrum/research/ibpi/
GP Lead – Dr T Palit