A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients interested in health and healthcare issues, who want to get involved with and support the running of their local GP practice. Most PPGs also include members of practice staff, and meet at regular intervals to decide ways and means of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice to its patients.
Oakwood Medical Centre is eager to ensure that local people are actively involved in deciding how the health services they use should develop. To provide patients with the opportunity to express their views a Patient Participation Group (PPG) was established.
The aim of the Patient Participation Group is to give patients, GPs and practice staff an opportunity to meet, to exchange ideas and information, and then to take action. Oakwood Medical Centre welcomes constructive criticism from our patients. This is a group of patients who wish to become more involved in practice decision making, supporting the Practice and facilitating communications between you, the patients, and the Practice Team. Our Group’s activities help influence the operational side of the practice and is a useful tool in keeping patients informed of the changes taking place in the NHS and what is required of the practice, please see our PPG leaflet.
Non-urgent advice: Contact Details
If you are interested in joining the PPG please contact:
Laura Clare, Practice Manager on cmicb-cheshire.oakwoodmanagers@nhs.net
The application letters are also sent out to all new patients who tick they would like to receive more information when completing our online registration form.
For details of our meetings, Action Plans and Reports, please see the section below:
The PPG has a vital role in how Oakwood Medical Centre Operates and we are extremely grateful for all their hard work, whether it is via e-mail (if they cannot get to meetings) or in person.
PPG Meeting Dates 2025: TBC
Action Plans
- PPG Action Plan 2018-2019 – Final report approved November 2018. Please note, this is a working action plan and may be subject to change/update.
- PPG Action Plan 2017-2018 – Final report approved – this forms our PPG Report for 2017-2018 as the completed action plan.