Patient Participation Group (PPG) Information

  • We are a group of patients and carers who volunteer to work with the Practice to help improve services.
  • Provide feedback about the services available
  • Make suggestions on how patient experiences can be improved
  • Promote health and wellbeing information for patients.
  • We meet every six weeks on a Thursday from 4.30pm – 6.00pm
  • If you are interested complete the feedback form below or email Lee:

Non-urgent advice: Share Views or Concerns

The PPG would welcome any views and/or concerns which you may have, but they must be about general issues, please complete the feedback form below or email You can also drop a note in at any of the reception desks.

PPG Feedback Form


Non-urgent advice:

The PPG would love to hear your views and concerns, but they must be about general issues as the PPG cannot cover personal matters.

The Practice also has suggestion boxes at each of each locations.