Please support Merepark – have your vaccines with us
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We order vaccines for all our eligible patients.
These vaccines help keep you well.
Each vaccine given allows us to invest in your surgery, providing a better service, with more staff and facilities for you and your family.
Merepark has appointments available now for flu and covid vaccine clinics.
Clinic dates:
- Saturday 1st October 9am – 6pm for those 65 years and over or in a high-risk group
- Saturday 29th October 9am – 6pm for all patients 50 and over as well as those in high-risk groups
Eligible patients can book their appointment by:
- Telephoning the surgery
- Emailing
- Walking into the surgery and booking with a receptionist
- Responding to your text message invite- please state in your response if you would prefer a morning or afternoon appointment, a time will then be sent via text message
The vaccination team will contact all outstanding eligible patients offering an appointment.
- Further information: Jo Webb (Care Coordinator)
Eligibility for Influenza Vaccinations 2022-2023
- those aged 50 years and overall children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2022
- all primary school aged children (from reception to Year 6)
- those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups
- pregnant women
- those in long-stay residential care homes
- carers
- close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
- frontline staff employed by the following types of social care providers without employer led occupational health schemes:
- a registered residential care or nursing home
- registered domiciliary care provider
- a voluntary managed hospice provider
- Direct Payment (personal budgets) or Personal Health Budgets, such as Personal Assistants