Chronic Disease Clinics – Regular Reviews

All patients who have had a diagnosis of any of the conditions listed below will be offered an annual review with a doctor or a nurse. Regular monitoring of patients with a chronic disease is designed to pick up any changes in health early, remind patients about what they can do to keep themselves well and check that medication is working properly. The practice will send you a letter, text or email every year asking you to attend a clinic. If you have more than one condition we will try, where practical, to address these at one appointment.

For many of these conditions you will need to have a blood test at least a week before your clinic appointment. You will be given details when you are contacted.

Please give the practice your email address and mobile phone number if you have them, so that we can communicate with you as efficiently as possible. 

Clinics for the following conditions may be run by a doctor or a nurse:

Mental health conditions, dementia, epilepsy, thyroid disorders, learning disabilities, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, heart disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease and impaired glucose tolerance.