Patients Have a Responsibility to:
- be courteous to staff
- attend appointments on time
- give the practice adequate notice if they need to cancel an appointment
- limit an appointment to one person only. If another member of the family needs to be seen or discussed, a second appointment must be made
- use online services whenever possible
- give at least 48 hours notice for repeat prescriptions but preferably 4 working days.
- only order medicines that you are going to use now. To reduce waste do not stockpile; once medicines have left the pharmacy they cannot be reused
- make sure we have up to date contact details for you including email address and mobile phone number
- register for online services at reception so that you can order prescriptions and arrange appointments through your computer
- Our doctors have instructed the reception staff to find out the reason for your appointment so that they can advise on the most appropriate professional for you to see. Our receptionists are trained on patient confidentiality.