Emergency & Urgent Care

Minor Injury Services

At The Red House Surgery, we are equipped to treat patients with a minor injury as an alternative to visiting A&E. The following list gives guidance on the types of injuries we are able to treat at the surgery:

  • Cuts or Lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Minor Dislocations
  • Foreign Bodies
  • Minor Head Injury
  • Eye Injury
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Minor Trauma to Body including hands/limbs/feet
  • Bites
  • Falls
  • Whiplash/RTA injuries

It is more appropriate to be seen at the surgery for the types of injuries listed above than it would be to present to A&E. We also have much shorter waiting times than A&E.

When the Surgery is Closed

If you need medical help when the surgery is closed, you can contact NHS111. Details of NHS 111 services can be obtained by clicking the following link – Click Here.

The Cambridge City Primary Care Trust commission the out of hours service for our patients and so if you need to be seen out of surgery hours, you may be asked to attend the emergency Medical Centre, Union Lane, Cambridge, CB4 1PT. If you require further details of primary medical services in the area, you should contact the Cambridge City Primary Care Trust directly. Their address is Lockton House, Clarendon Road, Cambridge CB2 8FH Tel: 01223 725400.

The Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department – Addenbrooke’s Hospital

There are over 20 million attendances at accident and emergency (A&E) departments each year.

Therefore it is important that people use them properly. You should think carefully whether or not your condition or illness is a real emergency, as you may prevent others with life-threatening conditions from getting immediate care.

A&E is not an alternative to your doctor. It is not appropriate to go to A&E just because your doctor cannot see you immediately. Calling 999 for an ambulance will not get you to the top of the A&E queue; all patients are seen on the basis of medical need, not how they arrive at hospital.

A&E doctors are not more experienced than your doctor. Your doctor is an expert in dealing with medical problems and A&E doctors are specialists in accidents and emergencies.

When is it an Emergency?


  • Suspected heart attack
  • Unconsciousness
  • Heavy blood loss
  • Suspected broken bones
  • Deep wounds such as stab wounds
  • Severe breathing difficulties
  • Head injuries

It is usually very obvious if the person is seriously ill and needs emergency care.

You should seek medical attention by either taking the person to A&E or by telephoning 999 for an emergency ambulance.