Patient Participation Group

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients and staff working together to make important improvements for everyone.

  • Do you have any suggestions or ideas that would benefit patient care at Lancaster Medical Practice?
  • Would you like to find out more about the practice and the services we are developing?
  • Are you able to meet with us in an informal setting and / or respond to surveys and communications via post and email?

Aims of the Patient Participation Group

  • To facilitate good relations between the practice and patients by communicating patient experience, interests and concerns and providing feedback to the practice on current procedures and proposed new developments.
  • To work collaboratively and positively with the practice to improve services and facilities for patients and to act as a sounding board for practice staff on issues affecting patients.
  • To build two-way communication and co-operation between the practice and patients, other individuals and organisations in healthcare, and the wider community to the mutual benefit of all.
  • To act as a representative group to support the practice and influence local provision of health and social care.


Membership of the PPG is open to all registered patients. You must be a patient at Lancaster Medical Practice to join the PPG.

The carer of a patient registered with the practice can be a member of the PPG even if they are not registered at the practice.

To sign up, please complete the online sign up form below or speak to a member of our reception team.

Page last reviewed: March 21st, 2025
Next review due: March 2nd, 2026