Boundary Area
Catchment Area

To register with the surgery:
- Download and complete the forms on this page and email or print and return them to reception.
- Visit reception from 8am to 6:30pm and collect a paper registration form.
When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number. If you have recently moved from overseas and do not yet have an NHS number, we can provide one for you. Ensure to complete all details on the form including the date you moved to the UK.
You will need to fill in a New Patient Registration Form (GMS1) for each adult or child wanting to join the surgery and a new patient questionnaire for anyone aged 16+.
If you have moved to a rural area we may be able to dispense medication to you from the Surgery. You will be advised if you come from a dispensing area by the staff.
All newly registered patients are invited to attend the Surgery for a short consultation with either one of the Partners or Practice Nurse. The purpose of this consultation is to assist us, both in assessing your previous medical history, and in your overall future medical care.
We are a fully computerised practice, and will make entries regarding vaccinations, cervical smears etc. so that you can be placed onto a recall system. Please bring any relevant information along with you. We ask that you bring a urine sample to the surgery when you attend this consultation (containers are available from reception).
You will be registered with one of the Partners, however we do not insist that you see that particular Doctor. Patients are free to see whichever Doctor they are most comfortable with.
We hope you find the services and care offered by this Practice to be of the standard we intend to provide. If not please do not hesitate to tell us, as we welcome the opportunity to improve the service to our patients.
Non-urgent advice: Named GP
Please note that this do not mean that patients are to only see their allocated GP.