ADHD/Autistm referral information
ADHD/ Autism referral pathways, waiting time and more – Marton Medical Practice
Choose and Book Appointments
If you have been referred for a Choose and Book Appointment recently you will need to book your own hospital appointment. In most cases, this means collecting your paperwork from the surgery and following the instructions. However, some specialties operate a triage system and we will contact you with the necessary details. The most common referrals of this type are;
- Dermatology
- Muskuloskeletal (Orthopaedics & Physiotherapy)
- Ophthalmology
Please contact the appointment centre, details of which are in section 2 of your paperwork, and give details of both your reference number and password/access code. You should then be able to arrange an appointment at your convenience at your chosen hospital.
Should you contact the choose & book service and there are no appointments available to book at your selected hospital, you will be put on that hospital waiting list for an appointment to be sent to you.
It is the hospital’s responsibility to ensure you receive an appointment. Please be assured that you are on the hospital waiting list and will be sent an appointment in due course.
To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:
- Your date of birth
- Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter
- Password/Access code – this will be on the last page of your letter
It is important that you cancel or rearrange any appointment you are unable to attend. This means the appointment can be offered to another patient rather than being wasted. If you can’t keep it, cancel it!
If you are waiting to receive a referral please use this form to get an update on the referral status.