Comments, compliments, suggestions and complaints

We do our best to get things right for our patient services and always pleased to hear Feedback.

Sometimes things don’t go as well as we would wish. We would like to hear about any problems at an early stage so that we can work together to put things right.


If you wish to make a formal complaint, please do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – ideally within a matter of a few days of the incident or concern. This will enable us to establish what happened more easily.

To complain – the best way is to use the form in the link below OR You can write in and address your complaint by email to

You should be as specific and concise as possible.

Making Reasonable adjustments.

As a health service provider, we have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. Physical and mental conditions which might be treated as a disability under the Equality Act depending on the effect they have on an individual’s daily life.

If a patient is unable to use this form and require additional assistance or support due to a disability, then they are encouraged to advise us to make reasonable adjustments to assist them. The practice business or operations manager will review any requests.

We work according to the NHS complaints procedure.