
Non-urgent advice: Please Note

The reception team will ask a few questions to signpost you to the right clinician or service, please don’t be offended when asked.

Consultations are by appointment only and our staff  will do their best to give you a time convenient for you, with a Clinician of your choice. However if your request is urgent you will be offered the first available appointment.

Certain appointments can be pre-booked in advance. (Online, via My GP app, telephone or in person).

Surgery Hours

There is a surgery every weekday morning between 9.00 am and 11.00 am by one or both doctors. A surgery is held between 4.00 and 6.00 pm each evening. The Surgery is open on Saturday mornings (usually the third Saturday of the month).

The Surgery will close on the following Tuesdays at 1.00 pm and re-open again on Wednesday morning:

Dates for 2022/2023 Protected Training sessions are as follows:

  • 13.9.2023  

Out Of Hours Calls

If you need medical attention when the Surgery is closed, please ring NHS 111.

(Please note all calls  to 111 are recorded).

You will be assessed, given advice and directed to the local service that can help you best. Calls to NHS 111 are free from both landlines and mobile phones. If you have a medical emergency, for example chest pain, shortness of breath or symptoms of a stroke ring 999.

Increased Access: Evening and Weekend Appointments