Non-urgent advice: Please Note
The reception team will ask a few questions to signpost you to the right clinician or service, please don’t be offended when asked.
With the Doctors and Advanced Practitioner
If you require an appointment please ring us so that you can have a telephone or video consultation. Calls are triaged and in some cases you will be asked to come down for a face to face consultation but under strict safety measures.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
Did Not Attend’ Policy
If a patient DNA’s an appointment twice then they will be sent a letter and a copy of the notice explaining the policy.
If they DNA a further appointment than a review of the case will be done by the Practice Manager and one of the Partners to establish whether there are any specific reasons (social or clinical) why the patient should not be removed, with an outcome of either:
The patient will be invited in to meet with the Practice Manager to explain any difficulties they may have with keeping appointments.
They will be sent a letter informing them that in accordance with the practice policy, it has now been requested for them to be removed as a patient from the practice and they should find an alternative doctor.
Extended Access Appointments
- As a group of practices we will now be offering a LIMITED number of evening and weekend appointments.
- Please see details for January Extended Access Appointments.