Medical Students

Helping Future Generations….

At most times of the year we will have Manchester medical students on board at various stages of their training. Some will be nearing completion of training and others may be just starting out. Sometimes you may encounter a medical student sat in a consultation with your GP. This is a valuable part of their learning and development but we also recognise it is a privilege and not one that should be taken for granted. If you do not feel comfortable having a medical student present please let the GP or reception know. It is not a problem to ask them to leave for your consultation. All students coming into this setting are subject to the same GMC confidentiality guidelines that all the GPs are.

Often the medical students have a set learning outcome or need for their particular session and interviewing/discussing health matters with a patient with the condition in question can be an invaluable way for them to develop their understanding of an illness and their communication skills in general. If you feel you have a health condition that may help our future doctors and could spare half an hour at a set time please let us know. In particular some of the cases that the students will be looking for are:

  • Diabetes In pregnancy (also anyone with thyroid, epilepsy, asthma in pregnancy)
  • Placental problems in Pregnancy
  • Bleeding in early Pregnancy
  • Conception difficulties
  • Diabetes
  • Fractures
  • Epilepsy
  • Neurological disease
  • Mental Health issues
  • Back Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatological disease++
  • Stroke/ TIAs

Dr. Makkan and the Practice Manager, Helen Mitchell-Yorke are responsible for medical student planning so please get in touch with any queries.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our patients who have allowed medical students the opportunity to learn from them in one form or another.