Cervical Screening Test
The Doctors and Nurses of the Practice cannot express enough the potentially life saving benefits of keeping up to date with cervical smears.
2,900 women are diagnosed each year with cervical cancer in the UK. Cervical cancer is a disease that can often be prevented. Early changes can be detected in the cervix by having a smear, which indicate that cancer may develop. The test takes a couple of minutes and COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE.
Are You Due A Test?
- First invitation for screening in England and Northern Ireland is at age 25.
- Routine recall (repeat screening test):
- Age 25 years: first invitation to cervical screening in England and Northern Ireland.
- Age 25-49 years: cervical screening tests are every three years.
- Age 50-64 years: cervical screening tests are every five years.
- Age 65 years: routine cervical screening ceases.
- Women over 65 years of age should be screened if:
- They have not had a cervical screening test since the age of 50.
- A recent cervical screening test has been abnormal.
For full info please visit:
If you are unsure when your last screen was done or if you are due a cervical smear please contact us. We will do our best to accommodate you at a time convenient for yourself.